"BBC In Concert 1972-73" To Be Re-Released in Early 2000

The record label"Fuel 2000" has signed an exclusive agreement with the BBC to release all those great recordings in North America. Len Fico of Fuel 2000 informs;"The Badfinger release now due 1/25/00 is the exact same release as the U.K. version except we fixed the song title errors. The list price will be $14.98 and should be available at all record stores nationwide. We're distributed by the great Universal corporation so nobody should have a problem finding this cd. "

December 17 1999 - thanks to Len Fico

Revised Edtion of Matovina's Badfinger Biography out in Early 2000

The softcover version of Dan Matovina's" Without You: The Tragic Story of Badfinger" book is now sold-out! Fortunately a newly revised edition of the book, with a CD of new material, will be available for ordering in February or March of 2000.

12/6 1999 - from Dan Matovina's website

Bafinger's "Say No More" finally to be released on CD?

Unconfirmed rumors on certain Badfinger guestbooks indicate that Badfinger's last album from 1981 "Say No More" may be near its first CD-release. This album contains gems such as Tom Evans' terrific "Too Hung Up On You" and a version of "Rock'n Roll Contract" which was also recorded for the still unreleased "Head First" album.

8 November -1999

Bob Evans Drops His Website Due to Poor Sales for His Badfinger Anthology

Bob Evans is closing down his web-site which has been run by Bob DeGraff. DeGraff explains that the sales of Bob's Badinger Anthologies have been disappointing and that the project has cost a lot of money. Bob Evans is now hoping to get his music out through a regular record company.

August 6 - 1999

Thanks to Bob DeGraff

Bob Evans CD Release

The Badfinger Anthology should be ready for release within the next 2 or 3 weeks.

DeGraff states;"I have the Cd's done and all the cover art printed. I need cassettes. I have taken over the operation personally. By the end of this coming weekend I will have all the duping equipment here at my house. Give me another 10-15 days."

DeGraff has been assured that all the legal stuff has been handled. DeGraff;"Joey and Kathie Molland have heard it and have personally given me the go ahead about 7 weeks ago"

"The vicious hate mail regarding authenticity and permissions from a number of people has me personally frustrated by the whole situation. I am not a music person, and have never been involved how this stuff is done. Verbal permission has been obtained from everyone than is qualified to give it. As sticky as this has been, I think the best take is for ME to try to obtain WRITTEN permission from all involved."

About the songs and the music DeGraff says; "I have heard the CDs several times, and it was my idea to persuade Bob Evans to give a bonus cassette tape regarding the making of these CDs.The quality is great. The songs were created from practise sessions where only a short musical phrase was played with - invented that day, but never used. Bob Evans took this stuff and created songs from the pieces that he had. A few songs, Tommy Evans asked Bob to try a different arrangement or approach to an old song. Then he died, which really screwed up everthing in terms of the plans Bob Evans had made with Tommy to try and make a comeback album."

Right now Bob Evans is planning to do a European tour. "Bob Evans may start his European tour under his own name with a totally new album soon." reveals Bob DeGraff - for more information you can check out the Eleven-Seven web-site Elevenseven.com.

June 5 1999

Head First on Rhino

Unconfirmed rumors say that Rhino Records have licensed the original 16 tracks masters for "Head First" from Warner Brothers. No release date have been revealed yet. What will happen to the bonus-tracks, that were planned for the unfortunate Forbidden Records Head First project, is uncertain.

May 7 1999

Now Finally The Airwaves CD To Become a Reality.

Permanent Prees has announced that the release date has been set to May 25 1999 for the longawaited CD-release of Badfinger's 1979 album "Airwaves". It will feature 5 bonus tracks written by guitarist Joe Tansin - one co-written with Joey Molland. Unfortunately only one of these tracks will feature the Badfinger band - the outtake from the album "One More Time" , sung by Tansin and Evans. The other bonus-tracks are later recordings by Tansin and Molland. The CD's liner notes are written by Tansin.. It will be stickered to promote the upcoming VH-1 Special and include words from Dan Matovina. The booklet will include photos taken during the sessions.

May 2 -1999

Thanks to Jesper's Badfinger News

Golders Green- The Pete Ham Demos Volume II in July 99

The promo packaging for the second collection of Pete Ham demos "Golders Green" are currently being put together by Rykodisc. The CD will contain 20 tracks, 3 of them are songs that Badfinger recorded and released.The current release date is set for July 13, 1999. The Japanese edition with two more tracks will also be released on July 13, 1999.

10 April-1999

VH-1 Special in September.

VH-1 has informed Dan Matovina that the documentary on Badfinger has been delayed once again, now back to September 1999. VH-1 still hopes to get interviews with Paul McCartney and George Harrison, which obviously will give the show and Badfinger even better promotion. Most of the other exclusive interviews have been completed. Though the overall delay is frustrating, it may be for the best in the long run.

Thanks to Jesper's Badfinger News

10 April-1999

Airwaves CD with 5 Bonus-tracks To Be Released on April 27, 1999.

Ice Magazine reports that the CD reissue date for Badfinger's 1979 album "Airwaves" will be April 27, 1999 (would have been Pete Ham's 52nd birthday)on Permanent Press Records . It is to contain six bonus tracks. According to Ray Paul, owner of the label, it will include a studio outtake of a song by Tansin entitled One More Time, plus other demos by Tansin. Liner notes are by Joe Tansin, with a commentary paragraph from Dan on the back cover, as requested by Permanent Press, who are great fans of Without You: The Tragic Story of Badfinger. This reissue will not feature the the John Ryan-produced demos that were hoped for. The CD reissue of "Airwaves" on Permanant Press Records is due on May 25, 1999, and will sell at a list price of $15.98. The CD features the classic Evans and Molland songs, "Lost Inside Your Love", "Sail Away", "Love Is Gonna Come At Last", and "Look Out California." A total of 5 bonus tracks will be included: "One More Time", an outtake from the original album sessions by Joe Tansin (with Tansin and Tom Evans on vocals), "Send Me Your Love" and "Steal My Heart", both written during the sessions by Tansin but not recorded until the mid-'80s, "Can You Feel The Rain", a new track written by guitarist Joe Tansin in 1994, and also included will be Joey Molland's recently recorded track, co-written back in the late '70's with Joe Tansin, called "Love Can't Hide". The liner notes were written by Joe Tansin and Joey Molland and will be part of a 6 page booklet including photos taken during the rehearsals for the album.

Thanks to Jesper's Badfinger News

26/3 1999

Badfinger on VH1 postponed till June 1999.

We shall have to wait till June to watch Badfinger on VH1. Read more on Badfinger News.

8/2 1999

The Second Volume of Pete Ham Demos To Be Released in April

Rykodisc will release a “new” set of Pete Ham demos in April 1999. Dan Matovina has completed the production of these old tapes in a similar way as the very succesful first demos release “7 Park Avenue”. Future pressing of that CD will have been slightly remastered. The complete track listing can be expected soon.

23/1 1999

Other News

According to Randy Justesen’s Badfinger Page the first post Pete Hame album “Airwaves” will reissued this spring; it will contain some bonus-tracks. The album was originally released in 1979 on Elektra and it features some really great songs by Tom, Joey and Joe Tansin.

The new Joey Molland album is expected to be released in March/April. Joey believes the new songs are better than anything he’s written before.

23/1 1999

Yet Another Set-Back For Badfinger on VH1!

VH-1 Behind The Music, quote from Dan Matovina "The VH-1 Badfinger television special has been delayed again. Executive Producer Gay Rosenthal left a message a week ago indicating she foresees the start of finishing the production to be in February of 2000, with a spring airing of the show. She said the program is still a very high priority. One of the delay factors now is that director Michael McNamara is committed to other programs through January of 2000. I fully expect the program to air eventually, though it is now the longest delayed show of any planned Behind The Music ever, according to one of the associate producers who works there."

October 30 1999 - thanks to Jesper's BadfingerNews

New Exciting Second Edition of The Badfinger Biography

Dan Matovina has indicated he is still at work putting together a revised edition of his book for release in March of 2000. Besides updates and corrections to the text, there will be additional appendices of live dates, studio dates, and a new glossy photo spread of eight pages. The big plus is a 74 MINUTE CD of previously unreleased demos by Pete Ham and Tom Evans, The Iveys, plus press and radio interview segments and phone conversations with Pete and Tom, most of which have never been out to the public. Dan says the CD will be chronological, so you can follow through the book playing the tracks as they come up (markers will be displayed).

October 30-1999 - Thanks to Jesper's BadfingerNews

Still problems for the "Forbidden" version of HEAD FIRST!!

Dan Matovina indicates Forbidden Records still has not communicated their plans, nor have they paid for the mastering of the master CDR they received. Dan says there is always the chance they will one day start selling the CD, but the big concern of the Ham Estate, Marianne Evans, Mike Gibbins, Bill Collins, and Bob Jackson, is that they would ever be paid royalties due, based on the past performance of Forbidden. The mastering house (Rocket Labs) also would expect to be paid.

Forbidden Record's web site is down again, and Mike Gibbins' relationship with them is over . Possibly they may pop up and release Head First at any moment, but according to Matovina the Ham estate, Bob, Marianne, etc. would much prefer they don't at this point, as there can be no expectation Forbidden would ever pay anything, as they have never even paid the mastering house, and lied to them two or three times about sending them a check, etc. Basically, this situation is developing into another music business nightmare for Badfinger's music.

Thanks to Jesper's BadfingerNews and Rick Kellogg

October 30, 1999

Paul McCartney to Save the VH1 About Badfinger?

According to Jesper's "Badfinger News" VH1 director Director Michael McNamara has managed to get Paul McCartney to give some comments about Badfinger for a future VH1 Behind The Music portrait on Badfinger. "Paul McCartney did rattle off a few consecutive minutes (some very nice compliments of Pete Ham and a few anecdotes surrounding "Come And Get It.") and lo and behold, some useful material is now secured. Flanagan (interviewer) did say that right after the interview, he discussed the Badfinger references with a prominent VH-1 Behind The Music executive who commented basically, 'Good, getting the McCartney sound bites puts (the Badfinger episode) back on track to get completed and released."

Dan Matovina;" The earliest the program can go back into production is November of 1999 because of the director's schedule's, so don't expect the program to air any earlier than the end of the year, and more than likely, some time in the year 2000." Most important; this should secure that there will be a Badfinger portrait on VH1.

Thanks to Jesper's Badfinger News

October 2, 1999

Still Confusion About the Release of Head First

After the “reappearance” of the original master tapes for the still unreleased Badfinger 1975 album “Head First”, which are supposed to be in the possession of Warner Brothers, confusion and uncertainty still exists about the release of the album.

It seems that Forbidden Records still intends to release the album from the one-day rough mixes done by Phil McDonald. The 11 demos-bonustracks are still planned to be featured on this release. Forbidden Records have not given any new date for the release of this CD, nor have they given any explanation to why the original release-date was postponed.

Recently it has been confirmed that the original master tapes, which were thought to have been lost, were in Warners’ possesion, and uncorfirmed rumors say that Warner Brothers have issued a license to Rhino Records to release the album. No details have been revealed about this possible release.

So it seems like, there is a chance that two different versions of this longawaited may appear.

August 4, 1999

Golders Green Ready For Release

The second collection of Pete Ham demos, Golders Green, is now ready to be released on July 12. Dan Matovina has collected 20 songs for this new album which like the first collection , 7 Park Avenue, will be released on Ryko Records. The songs have already been reviewed on several Badfinger web-sites, and everybody seems to agree that it holds up to the standards of the much acclaimed 7 Park Avenue. The 16 page booklet is very nice with new and unknown photos of Pete, Pete's daughter Petera and the house in Golders Green. It also features briliant liner-notes by Ken Sharp. This is certainly one of the scoops of 1999.

June 30, 1999

The Airwaves-CD is Out Now

First reports of the recent CDrelease of Badfinger's 1979 album "Airwaves" say that the original album sounds perfect. Of the bonus-tracks only the Joe Tansin written "One More Time" seems to live up to the rest of the album. The other four tracks are supposed to be either badly produced or simply not fitting in on a Badfinger album

June 1, 1999

Yet Another Disapponting Set-back For The Long-awaited Release Of "Head First".

The issue of the 1974 recorded Badfinger album "Head First" has been slowed down, and will not be released in near future as originally planned. Pray that things get sorted out so that this fantastic,but yet legally unreleased album can get out to the fans. Details cannot be discussed publicly at this time, but a major update may come soon.

Thanks to Jesper's Badfinger News

10 April-1999

Airwaves CD Release in May 99

Ray Paul of Permanent Press Records confirmed that Airwaves is still set for a May 25th street date. The package promo materials will have quotes from Dan Matovina. At one point, Joey Molland was not involved at all, due to disagreements with the label, but Paul verified Joey called weeks later and apologized to him, wanting in on the project. Joey and Joe Tansin (a member of the band during the recording of the album) both have commentaries in the CD booklet. Joey has recorded a version of a co-written song with Joe Tansin in the late 70's, "Love Can't Hide," which is a new addition to the CD bonus tracks. The rest of the bonus tracks include solid Joe Tansin recordings done over the years and an Airwaves outtake, the very pretty "One More Time."

By Sean Siever

10 April-1999

Airwaves without the John Ryan Produced Demos.

Airwaves will be rereleased on CD without the hoped for John Ryan produced demos. Other bonus tracks will be included; among them tracks featuring Joe Tansin, Mike Gibbins and Ron Griffiths

8/2 1999

Head First to be released after 24 years of delay.

Head First to be released after 24 years of delay. Thanks to Forbidden Records, Mike Gibbins, Dan Matovina and others Badfinger’s last masterpiece is finally released in April/May 1998. It was the last album to be recorded with Pete Ham by the end of 1974. It features some real great tracks by all four members - including Bob Jackson who had replaced Joey Molland at the time. 4 tracks have been available on The Best Of Badfinger Vol 2, but the rest of the album has never legally been released before. The album will be extended with 11 bonus tracks - demos by all four members.Dan Matovina has remastered the rough mixes done at Apple early 1975 and he has also submitted the liner notes and the lyrics.

23/01 1999

By Morten Vindberg "Badfinger Wish You Were Here "