Apprentices Of The Beatles

From the Danish magazine "Vi Unge" (We Young) dec. 1974
While Beatles still had big hopes to make Apple into a company that were different, but still made a lot of money for them, Badfinger were one of the groups they really counted on. Badfinger made one good LP after another,often sounding a lot like The Beatles. But Apple lost Badfinger just as they were about to be a very big succes. Now Badfinger are recording for Warner Brothers, and has lost every connection to George Harrison, who were the beatle that helped them the most. The biggest hit the group has had is "Without You" a track that Harry Nilsson also have recorded. But they are sure that the future is bright and promising. They are now working hard to make a record that will give them the final push to fame!
My Comments: This article shows just how little many journalists know about what
              they are writing!
Extract From The Article:

Better Economy

From the Danish magazine "Vi Unge" (We Young) march. 1970
Economically the future seems brighter for The Beatles. Their finances will in the future be taken care of by the jewish buisnessman Allen Klein, who used to take care of The Stones finances. On the creative site, the only one to keep Apple going is Paul McCartney, the man behind two of the biggest hits around at the time, Come And Get It, with Badfinger, and Temma Habour with Mary Hopkin. Allen Klein gets 20% of all the Beatles' income, but McCartney thinks he's worth it.

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