Eva Cassidy

Somewhere - Blix Street 2008

Tracks: 1. Coat of Many Colors/ 2. My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose / 3. Ain't Doin' Too Bad / 4. Chain of Fools / 5. Won't Be Long / 6. Walkin' After Midnight / 7. Early One Morning / 8. A Bold Young Farmer / 9. If I Give My Heart / 10. Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain / 11. Summertime / 12. Somewhere


This 2008 release is the latest album of unreleased songs by Eva Cassidy. Although , as on the previously released albums, there are several fine songs included, you also sense also that this time it has been more difficult to find suitable material for an entire album .

On some songs there has been quite a lot of post-production, which for me is no problem, and the results of this are quite successful. Personally, I'm not so fond of Cassidy when she moves too far into the jazz genre , but I must admit that "Ain’t Doin' Too Bad " is a fine production and that Cassidy delivers a great version of soul/blues number "Chain of Fools" . The standout among gthe ”produced” songs, though, is Cassidy's own "Somewhere" which is a very fine original song splendidly produced by Chris Biondo .

Otherwise, the highlights for me are the more folk-oriented songs like "My Love is Like a Red , Red Rose ," "Bold Young Farmer" and "If I Give My Heart ", with Cassidy alone with her acoustic guitar and personal vocals. The live song " Won’t Be Long" is also fine and interesting showing that Cassidy and her band also played solid classic rock .

Quite a few songs are so well-known from various other versions, there really is no need for new interpretations and I must admit that I feel that ”Coat of Many Colours" , "Walking After Midnight", "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain"and "Summertime " are a bit unexciting.

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