Indigo Girls

Rites of Passage - Epic 1992

Tracks: 1. Three Hits / 2. Galileo / 3. Ghost / 4. Joking / 5. Jonas & Ezekial / 6. Love Will Come To You / 7. Romeo And Juliet / 8. Virginia Woolf / 9. Chickenman / 10. Airplane / 11. Nashville / 12. Let It Be Me / 13. Cedar Tree / 14. Three Hits (Live ) / 15. Love Will Come To You (Live)


Until this album Amy Ray may have been a little in the shadow of Emily Saliers, when it came to songwriting. It's beyond question that Ray adds a lot of edge (necessary) to the sound of the Indigo Girls; but with songs like "Three Hits", "Jonas and Ezekial" and "Nashville" Amy's songwriting is also beginning to catch up Emily's.

In fact, I think that several of Emily's songs on this album are harder to get into than hers usually are. My favourite Emily songs here are "Galileo", "Let it Be Me" and "Airplane".

This is one the most consistent Indigo Girls albums, and one of my favourites!

Once again the girls are supported famous friends such as Benmont Tench, Jackson Browne, David Crosby and regulars Sara Lee, Lisa Germano and Jerry Marotta.

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