Lisa Germano

Magic Neighbor - Young God Records 2009

Tracks: 1. Marypan / 2. To the Mighty One / 3. Simple / 4. Kitty Train / 5. The Prince of Plati / 6. A Million Times / 7. Magic Neighbor / 8. Suli-mon / 9. Snow / 10. Painting the Doors / 11. Cocoon


Lisa Germanos music is a fun mix of many different genres and styles. She often comes close to modern avant-garde classical, while at other times the music is more like pop/folk. The melodies are often quirky and sketchy, while the lyrics often have bittersweet undertones. The vocals are lightly girlish and whispering. And of course, I must not forget Germanos violin, which she masters with great virtuosity.

It was her connection to Indigo Girls and her charming single "You Make Me Wanna Wear Dresses" that made me want to get to know some of her music better. The choices of this album and "Geek the Girl" were quite random as, apart from the aforementioned single, I had hardly heard anything beforehand.

My preliminary favorites are "A Million Times", "The Prince of Plati" and "Magic Neighbor", all of which I somehow find related to "Dresses". Also the sad "Cocoon" is strong.

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