Timeless - The Musical Legacy

- First released in 2013, on Commercial Marketing
Originally a vinyl version including 25 songs on a double album was planned for release in 2012; apparently this has been cancelled. The CD contains only 16 tracks - marked* were the vinyl only songs

Tracks: Written By: Lead Singer: Time
1: Day After Day (Ham) Pete 3.10
2: Without You (Ham/Evans) Pete & Tom 4.42
3: Rock of All Ages (Evans/Ham/Gibbins) Tom 3.12
4: Dear Angie (Griffiths) Ron 2.39
5: Come and Get it (McCartney) Tom 2.21
6: Maybe Tomorrow (Evans) Tom 2.51
7: Were For the Dark* (Ham) Pete 3.51
8: No Matter What (Ham) Pete 2.59
9: When I Say* (Evans) Tom 3.06
10: I'd Die Babe* (Molland) Joey 2.34
11: Name of the Game (Ham) Pete 5.19
12: Believe Me (Evans) Tom 2.58
13: Baby Blue (Ham) Pete 3.35
14: It Had to Be* (Gibbins) Pete 2.27
15: Carry on Till Tomorrow* (Ham/Evans) Tom 4.47
16: Suitcase (Molland) Joey 2.52
17: Money* (Evans) Tom 4.20
18: Flying* (Evans/Molland) Joey 2.24
19: Timeless (Ham) Pete 7.39
20: Apple of My Eye (Ham) Pete 3.06
21: It's Over* (Evans) Tom 3.24
22: I'll Be the One (Evans/Ham/Gibbins/Moland) Tom 2.54
22: Blind Owl* (Evans) Tom 3.00
23: Dennis (Ham) Pete 5.15
24: Love is Gonna Come at Last (Molland) Joey 3.37

General Comments:

The release of this compilation was originally planned for 2012, but it was postponed/cancelled. Apparently new interest in the band, due to the use of "Baby Blue" in Breaking Bad.
Unfortunately the vinyl 25 tracks version seem to have been cancelled. It was more tham ten years since the previous Badfinger compilation, and in that sense it's logical the new one should be released. This version obviously containing the 2010 mixes.
Obviously there will be different opinions on which songs would be the right ones for a compilation like this, but the good thing is that most of Badfinger's great albums are re-released and easily available. The four Apple albums are released with many great bonus-track that not just poor sounding demos and outtakes. Most of these songs should have been released in the first place. The two Warner albums have also been re-released recently, though not remastered and without bonus-track. Now that it has been documented that the once thought lost master-tapes for the third Warner albums have been found; it's high time that Warner's get their act together and release "Head First" in its whole and a box-set featuring some of the known unreleased songs that were recorded during 1973-75. Until then, enjoy "Timeless... The Musical Legacy"

My favourites: Most tracks are great - I would have exchanged "Dear Angie", "Suitcase", "Money", "Flying" and perhaps "Carry On Till Tomorrow" with other songs like "Midnight Sun" (never before on a compilation), "Midnight Caller", "Take it All", "Lonely You", "Just a Chance", "Keep Believing", "Lay Me Down", "Lost Inside Your Love" or "Too Hung Up on You

Other very good songs:

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