Maybe Tomorrow

( The Iveys ) - First released in 1969, on Apple Records.AppleSAPCOR8(EU)/ST3355(US)

Tracks: Written By: Lead Singer: Time
1:See-Saw Granpa (Ham) Pete 3.33
2:Beautiful and Blue (Evans) Tom 2.38
3:Dear Angie (Griffiths) Ron 2.39
4:Think About The Good Times (Gibbins) Mike and Tom 2.21
5:Yesterday Ain't Coming Back (Ham/Evans) Pete 2.57
6:Fisherman (Evans) Tom 3.09
7:Maybe Tomorrow (Evans) Tom 2.52
8:Sali Bloo (Ham) Ron 2.35
9:Angelique (Evans) Tom 2.26
10:I'm in Love (Ham) Tom 2.25
11:They're Knocking Down Our Home (Ham) Pete 3.41
12:I've Been Waiting (Ham) Pete 5.15

Bonus Tracks On Reissue

13:No Escaping Our Love (Evans) Tom 2.12
14:Mrs Jones (Ham) Pete 2.15
15:And Her Daddy a Millionaire (Ham/Evans) Tom 2.08
16:Looking For My Baby (Ham) Pete 2.08

My comments:

I can't deny that I was very disappionted when I first received my copy of this album around 1993. Not that I expected a record superior to the Badfinger albums I knew at that time (in fact most of them!) - but I had hoped to discover at least one or two "new" good Pete Ham songs. Some of the songs I knew already from "The Magic Christian" and among them I really like/liked Tom's Beautiful and Blue and Pete's They're Knocking Down Our Home.

My first impression of the album was that it very lightweight and actually 2-3 years behind its time. I still regard this album as a beginner's experiments; most of it pure sixties pop - not much pointing towards the great songs to come in the 70's. Of course as a true fan you give any Badfinger/related album several chances before you give them up - and naturally you always discover some great moments. For me these are Sali Bloo and I've Been Waiting along with the two already mentioned. I think one of the problems with this album is that it's much too nice - very few rough ends - especially the vocals are often too cute. Another problem is the great variety in styles which gives an inconsistant impression of the album. The 4 bonus tracks don't help the general impression of the album - they fit nicely into it. It is obvious that Pete's and Tom's songwriting abilities have not fully developed at this point - but we know from "7 Park Avenue" that Pete had written several songs much superior to most of the material on this album.

My favourites: Beautiful and Blue, Sali Bloo, They're Knocking Down Our Home and I've Been Waiting

Other good songs: Maybe Tomorrow and See-Saw Granpa

Of 10 possible stars I would give this album: 3

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