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Weekly Crossword by Haris Daud

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2 3         4    
5       6       7 8
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15 16               17 18          
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28                 29      
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41   42 43     44          
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47           48   49 50   51 52      
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    56 57                  
58       59      
60     61  
62     63     64 65          


3. Apparition

5. Loch

9. Vice President

10. Cover

11. Which person

13. Listen to

16. Impetus

17. Labels

19. International Badminton Federation

20. Contour feather

22. Prehistoric sepulchral tomb

23. Remain

25. Relaxation

27. Inhabitant of Serbia

28. Turnip-shapped

29. Consume

32. Supplements

34. Self defense

35. Sweetheart

36. International Table Tennis Federation

38. Fragments

42. Official language of Pakistan

44. Roll of bank notes

46. Immediately following

47. The world badminton championhip for man's group.

50. Portable bed

53. Australia outback country, known as Red Center

56. Doze

58. Insect

59. Benign tumor of the skin

60. Waist band

62. From

63. Frozen rain

65. Enlivening

66. Fur scarf


1. Dutch name of The Haag

2. Arm again

3. Cushion

4. Malarial fever

5. Meadow

6. Judging

7. Between

8. The least amount

10. Permit

12. Sweets

13. Stimulate

14. Viper

15. The country that dominates badminton sport

18. Matures

21. River in the central Switzerland

24. Holly

26. Excited

28. Equine sounds

30. Chield

31. Sport with shuttlecock

33. Wife of Shiva

37. Drug yielding plant

38. Portend

39. Procurer

40. Traitor

41. Kernel

43. Fabled bird

45. Organ of hearing

48. Vulgar, ill bred fellow

49. Pastoral

51. Sailor

52. Young goat

54. Electrically charged atom

55. Diving bird

57. Toil

61. Dull sound

64. The lion