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James Bruce Goit

30 Halfmoon Place, Valley , Nova Scotia B6L 2H4 JBGoit@gmail.com (Home) 895-7676


An accomplished and experienced executive, I have a record of 35 years of increasing responsibilities and abilities in planning and management within the Government of Nova Scotia and Nova Scotia Agricultural College. I possess a demonstrated ability to plan for and respond quickly to emerging situations and organize resources to meet challenges presented. I am a skilled public speaker with good verbal and written abilities. I have a positive record of working with people to provide for a vision of the future.


Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, NS

Executive Director, Development and External Relations, September 2000 - 2012

Vice President, AgriTECH Park Inc, September 2001 - 2011

As Executive Director I had responsibility for the development and implementation of an effective fund raising program for the Agricultural College as well as for seeking external partnership for it's various education and research programs. This will involve raising the profile of NSAC within the region and across the country. As a member of the Executive Council, I am active at NSAC's policy decision level and in various ways at provincial, regional and national level. AgrTECH Park Inc is the NSAC commercilization organization and in the position of VP, I was responsible for assisting the President in development contacts with potential clients for the facility as well as working with the Managing Director and Board to operate a efficient facility.

Some accomplishments include:

  • Acted as departmental member on Federal/Provincial Committee on Agriculture and the Life Sciences Economy completing a national strategy for the sector.
  • Organized success stakeholder consultation for Life Science Consultation strategy.
  • Worked with interdepartmental team on Nova Scotia Prosperity strategy
  • Designed and implemented a comprehensive Development and External Relations office for the NSAC.
  • Designed and built the website for the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame

Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing Truro, NS

Director, Rural Leadership Branch, January 1997 - September 2000
Director, Extension Branch, September 1995 - January 1997
Director, Plant Industry Branch, January 1990 - September 1995
Director, Soils and Crops Branch, July 1986 - January 1990

As Director I have responsibility for the management of a $2.4 million program and 40 full time staff of the Branch. In addition to overseeing the hiring and training of staff at various levels, I am responsible for the preparation and management of budgets, management of assistance programs and the authorization of expenditures. I am active at the policy decision level in the Department and in various ways at provincial, regional and national levels.

I have gained broad experience with both the field crop and horticultural and livestock sectors of agriculture in Nova Scotia and have worked closely with many commodity groups, helping them achieve their objectives. I have also been very active in the development of information systems for the Department, promoting the world wide web as an important vehicle for departmental service delivery.

Some accomplishments include:

  • Acted as departmental Y2K project co-ordinator ensuring business functionality after the century change.
  • Technical advisor for Farm to Market Enterprise Development Project between governments of Canada and Bangladesh. Part of the project is managed by the International Centre, Nova Scotia Agricultural College and involves professionals from across Canada. I spent two weeks in Bangladesh consulting with project staff.
  • Managed the reorganization of the Extension Branch into the Rural Leadership Branch in 1997, helping staff refocus on new objectives and incorporate new technology into the workplace. All professionals were equipped with laptop computers and given Internet access for communication, research and administrative purposes. The model has been widely adopted throughout the department.
  • Worked with staff of the Agricultural College and Agriculture and Agri-food Canada to develop and implement a 5 system televideoconferencing network that has been used extensively over the past 3 years to reduce the expense of travel for meetings and to delivery educational programming.
  • Authored and managed a project in 1997 designed to provide laboratory information directly to Dairy farmers over the Internet via a web interface. Almost 50% of our Dairy farmers now use the system.
  • Lead a team in 1997 that developed the Wild Blueberry Information Network. This site on the Departments= web server provides a place for comprehensive Wild Blueberry information and is the model for similar co-operative efforts in other commodities across the country.
  • Planned and participated in discussions leading to the partnership arrangement between the Grain and Forage Commission, the Grain Marketing Board and the Forage Council forming Grain and Forage Nova Scotia.
  • Planned and supervised the 1994 consultants' study on the impact of the legislation that closes the Nova Scotia border to honey bees and organized activities to attempt to meet the pollination needs of Nova Scotia fruit crop producers.
  • Implemented the first world wide web (WWW) server for the Department of Agriculture and Marketing in 1993, leading the initiative to have all branches mount their information in digital format. Our Department was a model for similar initiatives across the country in the early days of the web.
  • Managed the amalgamation of the Soils and Crops and Horticulture and Biology Branches in 1990 creating one efficient, cohesive, operational unit by reorganizing the structural makeup of the branch, creating new teams of staff and delegating more active management and budget responsibilities to team leaders.
  • Provided leadership in the development of Departmental and Branch initiatives in the computerized management and presentation of information.
  • Completed Branch Strategic Action Plan Cycle and developed model process to tie individual work planning and performance management to strategic plan.
  • Negotiated the final design phases of Atlantic Livestock Feed Initiative (ALFI) agreement and served on several implementation committees delivering programs to farmers in Nova Scotia.

Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing Truro, NS

Senior Extension Specialist, Soils and Crops Branch, June 1983 - July 1983
Regional Soil and Crop Specialist, Soils and Crops Branch, Aug 1976 - June 1983

As Soil and Crop Specialist and Senior Extension Specialist, my role was highly technical and, as part of a team of professionals, included planning and conducting research and demonstration trials and offering advisory services directly to farmers in the production of field crops. I took a very active role in the development of programs for other specialists and worked on several committees that administered federal/provincial development agreement funds. I also played a significant role in the preparation of publications and resource materials for the Branch and Department.

Some major achievements in these positions were:

  • Developed the long term crop information system and the early stages of the Land Evaluation and Planning Service.
  • Introduced annual ryegrass to farmers of Nova Scotia and developed the "7 Months of Pasture" management program for beef, sheep and dairy farmers. I lectured widely in the region on the topic.
  • Introduced several soil conservation techniques to Nova Scotia farmers and advanced the movement away from continuous corn that was the general practice in the 1970's.
  • Developed the first comprehensive research and demonstration project summary publication for the Branch that continues to be a valuable resource for specialists and farmers.
  • Worked closely with Soil and Crop Improvement Associations in the Central and Eastern areas of the province to develop stable organizations that still serve the extension functions of the Department.


Formal Education

  • MSc (Soil Science), July 1976, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario.
  • BSc (Earth Science), January 1975, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario
In-Service Development Programs
  • Senior University Administrators Course (SUAC) 2007
  • Policy Development for Managers, 2006
  • OH&S awareness for Managers, 2000
  • Emergency Operations Centre Management Workshop, December 1999
  • Occupational Health and Safety Managers Training, 1999
  • OH&S Awareness, 1998
  • FOIPOP Coordinators Training, 1998, 2005
  • Emergency First Aid, September 1998, 2002, 2006
  • Executive Leadership Development Program, 1996
  • Creative Problem Solving, 1994
  • Forum for Change Management, 1993
  • Effective Presentation Skills, 1992
  • Management Development Program, 1988
  • Supervisory Skills Development, 1984
  • Member, AtlanticAgricultural Coordinating Council Working Group (2001-2004 )
  • Member, Federal/Provincial Working Group on Agriculture and the Life Science Economy (2000-2001)
  • Co-chairman, Federal/Provincial Agricultural and the Information Highway Committee (1997-1999)
  • Member, Interdepartmental Committee on Community Economic Development (1995 - 2000)
  • Member, Atlantic Committee on Technology Transfer in Agriculture (1997 - 2000)
  • Member, National Net Income Stabilization Committee (NISA) (1995 - 2000) (member of appeals subcommittee)
  • Member, Nova Scotia Institute of Agrologists (1976 - present) (past council member)
  • Member, Agricultural Institute of Canada (1976 - present)
  • Member, Outcomes in Government Committee. (1996 -2000)
  • Executive, NSDAM/NSAC Information Technology Advisory Committee (1995 - 1998)
  • Vice-Chair, Nova Scotia Crop and Livestock Insurance Commission (1986 - 1995)
  • Director, Nova Scotia Grain and Forage Commission (1986 - 1995)
  • Director, Grain and Forage Nova Scotia (1995 - 1996)
  • Member, Nova Scotia Land Use Committee (1986 -1995)
  • Director, SeCan Association (1986 - 1994)
  • Director, NovaKnowledge (1994 - 1996)
  • National Horticulture Committee (1992 - 1996)
  • Canadian Horticultural Council (1991 - 1995)
  • Chairman, Nova Scotia Blueberry Institute, (1990 - 1996)
  • Federal/Provincial Safety Net Committee (1990 -1995)
  • National GRIP (Gross Revenue Insurance Program) Committee (1990 - 1994)
  • Canada Committee on Crops (1989 - 1991)
  • Chairman, Nova Scotia Soils Institute, (1986 - 1991)
  • Atlantic Committee on Crops (1986 - 1995) (executive positions)
  • Canadian National Exhibition Field Crop Committee (1986 - 1995)
  • Canada Expert Committee on Forage Crops (1982 - 1985)
  • Various policy and program management based Department/Industry Groups and Committees


  • Edited and contributed to numerous annual and project reports and newsletter articles
  • Co-authored "Italian Ryegrass in Atlantic Canada" (Atlantic Crop Committee Publication)
  • Co-authored "Soybean Production in the Maritimes" (Atlantic Crop Committee Publication)
  • Edited and published the "History of Blueberry Production in Nova Scotia (1950-1990)" written by Gordon Kinsman


  • Rotary Club of Truro, (2005- ) President 2011-12
  • Member Fellowship Lodge #112 AF & AM, Truro (2000 - )
  • Member of Audit Committee, Agricola Credit Union (1997 - 2000)
  • Member of Staff Association Mutual Assistance pact Executive (2001 - 2005)
  • Colchester East-Hants Regional Library Board (1994 - 1999)
  • St. John's Anglican Church Parish Council (1986 - 1989)
  • Beaver leader, Scouts Canada (1984 - 1989)

Updated Dec 6, 2011