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Sunday August 10th 2003

:: bumpin :: corey - hush lil' lady ::
:: feelin :: stressless ::

hmm.. been reallie tired lately. imma sleeping too late at nite and waking up way to early! welps, at least i've been reallie stressless and contemped. thats good kuz its gonna be two weeks of REACTiON for me soon. can't wait till the jamboree man! its gonna be hella tyte! if you wanna volunteer at the jamboree, contact me ASAP! anywayz more bout my non REACTiON stuff, i've been redoing a lot of the things i've done around my life. its almost like a new me. starting off with my room, it has been much cleaner since im bringing most of my REACTiON stuff over to SMS and that i've been throwing hella hella stuff out. does anyone want a broken VCR? its SONY! haha! alrite, off i go now, gotsa to do some organizing. L8z people

:: DJiCy ::

Monday August 4th 2003

:: bumpin :: usher - nice and slow ::
:: feelin :: bloated ::

Man, i haven't been very productive lately. is it due to the fact im getting lazier? man oh man, i do not want to become a lazy bum too! lets see, Saturday i worked on my new version o5 layout for my website. heres the link hopefully i'll get this up by this week so i won't be pushin this back any later. On a side note, COME AND SUPPORT REACTiON! on August 9th 2003, REACTiON'S car wash at Albertsons on Landess OR McDonalds on Oakland Road. from 10am to 6pm. All profits goes to the Jamboree. [[don't trip soph. class officers, everything will be alrite!]] hm. so much REACTiON stuff this month. Since my social life is almost gone, REACTiON won't hurt me much now. Hao oh Hao, what have you become?! anywayz, television time! L8z nites

:: DJiCy ::

Friday August 1st 2003

:: bumpin :: frankie j - we still ::
:: feelin :: mixed ::

FiNALLY! i got my new DSL line! BitCH! imma back! hm. these few days with dial up was unforgettable. Those moments when it took me almost 10 minutes to sign onto AiM, those times when i got rejected from checking my emails. and those slow loading webpages... i will not miss them! thank you whos up there for granting me access to DSL again! anywayz haven't been doing much. got so many rejections... rejected from stores that i wanted to do car washes at. those dymn fuckers! alrite. time to go update myself with the current news. L8z nites

:: DJiCy ::

Saturday July 19th 2003

:: bumpin :: christina aguerila - dirrty ::
:: feelin :: itchy ::

man, i have to use dial up for 1 month! why? im switching providers and you have to wait a month after temination before you sign up for another DSL provider. stupid rules! dial up is so so so slow! anywayz, sorrie for the lack of update, haven't been freed lately. too much work man! ooo, im working on my new website version 5.remix. it'll be done in 1 and 1/2 monthes. anywayz i need to go shower, L8z, i'll update soon again.

:: DJiCy ::

Wednesday July 9th 2003

:: bumpin :: ::
:: feelin :: buzy buzy buzy ::

whoa. i did all my homework before 7 today! time to celabrate man! after that, i started working on my site! yes! so far i finished my bacgkround, heres a peek its entitled :: [x] marks [the] spot [v]o5 :: anyway, imma gonna begin working now so i'll update this tomorrow again.. oh yeah, i've typed three journal entries in a row now! yes! alrite L8z nites

:: iCy ::

Tuesday July 9th 2003

:: bumpin :: brian mcknight.someday.someway.somehow ::
:: feelin :: stuck ::

cosplay... haha. for all those people that doesn't know what that is, cosplay is dressing up as a character. [[yes i also discovered what cosplay was today too]] it seems pretty stupid but somehow it was pretty interesting how people spend their life making the costume to wear. no life . haha just playin. hm. today's summer school class seem so long man. i was so happie to get outta there. hm. on a side note, my dad is offically the stupidest and ingorancest person i know. Another side note [[people help me advertise bout the REACTiON jamboree! we need the money for a free halloween event in october. you're help will begreatly appreicated!!! more info below]]] anywayz, i need to finish my WH homework now... L8z nites

:: iCy ::

come and jam with DJ intense and DJ iCy at the REACTiON Jamboree,
[[ in partnership with SMS barbeque ]]
Thursday August 21st 2003
Sierramont Middle outside amp.
12pm to 5:30pm
:: $8 :: admission and BBQ
:: $4 :: admission only
:: $5 :: BBQ only

Monday July 7th 2003

:: bumpin :: 112 . smile ::
:: feelin :: odd ::

so long since i last update my journal. whoa, just 2 and a half more weeks of summer skool! i got probably a B in the first semester. anyway today was the finals for first semester and i got 19 wrong out of 185. :-D, no bad. it was easy too, all the answers/questions came from previous tests, and he told us that he'll do that too! i studied in the morning :-D. after the test we had to do presentations. khanh, long, calvin, anson, and i were a group. gosh, our presentation was so stupid! i kept crackin up too! haha. i think we had a lower grade kuz we were talkin during the other presentations. hm. got home and started watchin TV and doing my homework, i want an A in the second semester! speakin of A's, i got straight A's on the second semester of my freshman year! haha, yes its finally my turn to be braggin bout my grade :-D. anywayz i'll update bout my weekend the next time i post. L8z

:: iCy ::

come and jam with DJ intense and DJ iCy at the REACTiON Jamboree,
[[ in partnership with SMS barbeque ]]
Thursday August 21st 2003
Sierramont Middle outside amp.
12pm to 5:30pm
:: $8 :: admission and BBQ
:: $4 :: admission only
:: $5 :: BBQ only

Sunday June 29th 2003

:: bumpin :: thalia & fat joe . i want you ::
:: feelin :: worried ::

it has been another productive weekend! yes! friday i cleaned up my room after summer skool, which was alrite. saturday i clean up the garage, seems lyke we won't be renting our 4th bedroom to anyone no more. yes! more storage space! hm. i waz thinkin of REACTiON renting that 4th bedroom, haha, but then again, nah. so today, it was a lot of family arguments. i wish i didn't have such a dysfunctional family. one of those 7th heaven family would be nice... maybe not, too much family time. anywayz, imma currently working on some of my websites while doing my history project. pretty easy but i think i'll just slack off till last minute. alrite time to go shower and maybe go run. L8z

:: DJiCy ::

Tuesday June 24th 2003

:: bumpin :: ROMEO . changing the world ::
:: feelin :: glad ::

welps, this be my xanga combined journal site. i'll try to finish my website before skool starts. anyway, i'll update bout my day later. L8z

:: DJiCy ::


Monday June 23rd 2003

:: bumpin :: 36 mafia . wheres the bud ::
:: feelin :: krazie ::

hm. summer skool was so quick nowadays. just 5 more weeks of suffrage! man, i was just checkin out this site and it gave me so much info. now imma questioning myself if i reallie reallie do want to go to San Diego SU. it said that i should attend San Jose SU but its so stupid you noe? everyone gets accepted and stuff and i don't wanna live close to home either. haha. in other news, i thought i lost my cell! eventually my dad found it BUT he hind it from me thinkin he can teach me a lesson. [yea right!] anywayz, update this later. L8z




:: DJ.iCy ::
:: name :: iCy ::
:: lived since :: january 21 1988 ::
:: lived for :: 15 years [[youngin]] ::
:: educated at :: Piedmont Hills ::
:: xperteze :: being myself ::
:: xtra things :: REACTiON ::
:: xtra things :: DJ iCy ::
:: xtra things :: wrestling ::
:: last word :: happiness ::
:: personal site ::
:: email me ::


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:: ::

(c):: ICYLABEL . 2003 ::(c)
