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They Didn’t Understand!



We have come to the wonderful time of year that is known as Easter!  This is the time that we celebrate the Lord’s resurrection of approximately 2,000 years ago.  Truly it is the resurrection that makes the “work of the cross” relevant in our lives.  But before we talk more about the resurrection we should take a closer look at the cross and the events leading up to it.  I especially want to pay close attention to the kind of affect these events had on Jesus’ followers.


1.        Jesus was betrayed by Judas and arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane on late Thursday night or early Friday morning.  The disciples of Jesus were so fatigued that they couldn’t stay awake and pray that night.  Imagine the emotions that flooded them as they saw their companion Judas come with a band of soldiers to arrest Jesus.  Certainly anger was an emotion they felt.  Here they see a fellow disciple betraying the Lord.  This was not an enemy but one they had trusted and traveled with for years.  They definitely felt fear when Jesus was actually arrested.  This is the first time in his entire ministry that they ever saw something like this.  In all likely hood they viewed this as a moment of weakness.  Many times before Jesus had slipped through the angry crowd and avoided capture.  Jesus had repeatedly stood against demonic forces, sickness, and even the elements (wind and the waves).  But this was different.  He offered no opposition to his arrest.  This was something that none of the disciples had foreseen although Jesus had tried to forewarn them of it.  They were so fearful that they were scattered like sheep with no shepherd.  And no doubt they were confused about what was happening.  They didn’t understand!

2.        Jesus was placed on trial and condemned to death by crucifixion.  Peter and John followed Jesus when he was arrested and were allowed entrance because John personally knew the High Priest.  They witnessed the mocking and torturing in the “kangaroo court” proceedings.  Jesus’ over-night trial and conviction was in direct violation of Jewish and Roman law.  But it proceeded with haste due to their bloodthirsty hate of the Son of God.  Peter and John looked on as they smote him and mocked him.  They were present when Jesus received 39 stripes at the whipping post, when they plucked out his beard, placed the thorns on his head, and spat in his face.  They felt anger at this injustice.  They felt helpless concerning his rescue.  They witnessed the throng of people who had praised him less than a week earlier now shout crucify him!  And all this was compounded by the fact that they were weary themselves.  They didn’t understand!

3.         Jesus was lead away and crucified.  They watched him drag his cross down the Via Delarosa.  By now the women had learned of the horror and were present weeping for Jesus.  After such a night of torturous trial Jesus was barely recognizable.  His features were bloody and disfigured.  Imagine the horror that his followers felt as they witnessed him crucified before their eyes.  And consider this.  The crucifixion was the most humiliating death and was preserved for those considered the worst of criminals.  It was so bad that no Roman citizen could be put to death that way.  Jesus was crucified at the third hour (Roman time = between 9 A.M. and Noon) and died the ninth hour (Roman time = between 3 P.M. and Sunset).  That relates to somewhere between 6 to 9 hours of excruciating pain.  To see Jesus die meant great sorrow for His followers.  To see Him die in that manner was unbearable.  They couldn’t fathom why this man who had never done any evil to anyone was being murdered.  They didn’t understand!

4.        Jesus was laid in a tomb and left there while his followers observed the Sabbath day.  Normally the victims of the cross would be left hanging for days adding to the humiliation and spectacle.  Because of the Sabbath (which would have started at sundown on Friday night), the “religious” Jews requested the body be taken down (probably more from guilt rather than belief).  Jesus’ body was taken off the cross and because the sun was about to go down he wasn’t properly prepared for burial.  That is the reason the women went and prepared spices to be brought on Sunday morning.  Because it was so late in the day Jesus was laid in a borrowed tomb in the nearby garden.  Imagine how Jesus’ followers felt that night and the Sabbath day.  They couldn’t go to the tomb nor do anything with the body.  Their observance of the Sabbath forbade it.  If they were able to sleep, certainly they woke up wishing it had all just been a bad dream.  Why did this have to happen?  They didn’t understand!

5.        Early on Sunday morning the women made their way to the tomb only to find he wasn’t there.  Once again they wept and mourned their loss.  Now that they have been through all they have experienced the last 48 hours they come to find the body is gone.  How could it get worse?  But they are met with messengers from heaven that declare his resurrection.  Although this is wondrous when they tell the disciples they are somewhat mocked.  The disciples themselves are in disarray, unbelief, and concern about what has happened.  The bible records that when the disciples left Mary Magdalene stayed back and wept.  Though angels had spoken to her, she was in such a state of shock and sorrow that their words offered no comfort.  It took the appearance of Jesus to her to calm her mind (which might I add is wonderful of our Savior to be so concerned even with one individual to make a special “appearance” for comfort).  Before His appearances, the disciples and the women just didn’t realize why all this had happened. They didn’t understand!


But what was the real purpose behind this 3 days of history?  The Word of God is clear!  After His resurrection Jesus made it clear why all this was necessary.


Luke 24:44-49 And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.  Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures, And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day:  And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.  And ye are witnesses of these things.  And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.


Until Jesus revealed these things to them, they couldn’t see beyond their own pain, sorrow, and loss.  Their lives had completely fallen apart in less than 72 hours.  But it was necessary for Jesus to die.  It was necessary for our atonement.  His ascension was necessary for our acceptance and the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The followers didn’t have the foresight to see this.  Much in the same way our life can so easily get in a mess in a very short time.  We may face many of the same emotions, sorrows, and pain that Jesus’ disciples did.  Many times we have the same thinking as they.  We don’t know why.  We just don’t understand!  But we do well to remember that God’s plan is much greater and broader than ours.  And we have this promise.


Rom. 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.


Any time we are facing trouble or even death.  Remember He is the Resurrection and the Life!


Pastor Johnny Fortune


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