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Bean Salad with Chicken | Balinese Style Squid | Grilled Fish
Vegetable and Fruit Salad | Grilled Fish in Banana Leaf
Rice Cakes | Coconut Cake |Black Rice Pudding


Rice flour Cake

  • 1 cup glutinous white rice
  • 1 cup water
  • I pandan leaf
  • ½ cup palm sugar syrup (see recipe)
  • ¼ cup thick coconut milk
  • pinch of salt
Rinse rice very well under fresh running water for 2 minutes and soak fdr 4 hours. Rinse again until water becomes clear. Place rice and 1 cup of water and pandan leaf in rice cooker or steamer and cook for approximately 20 minutes or until liquid has evaporated.
Add palm sugar syrup, coconut milk and salt, and steam for 13 minutes. Spread rice evenly 2 cm (1 in) thick on tray and allow to cool to room temperature. Wet a sharp knife with warm water and cut into even squares to serve. Note: To speed up the soaking process, pour boiling water over the rice and let stand for 1 hour. Drain, then add another lot of boiling water and soak for another 30 minutes. If you are using a steamer to cook the rice, line the bottom with a wet cloth to prevent the rice grains from falling through.
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Coconut Cake

  • 2 cups freshly grated coconut, or 1½ cups dessicated coconut moistened with warm milk
  • 1/3 cup glutinous rice flour
  • 1/3 CUP plain rice flour
  • ¼ cup white sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
Combine all ingredients in a deep bowl and knead well for 3 minutes until the dough is smooth cwd does not stick. Dust a cake tin with a little rice flour and press the dough into it. Bake in moderate oven (180º C/350º F) for approximately 35 minutes or until the top is golden brown.
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Bean Salad with Chicken No big religious or private celebration would be held without serving this ritual dish. Only the eldest, and most experienced men are allowed to mix the many ingredients

  • 3 cups blanched long beans cut in ½ cm (¼") slices
  • cup grated cnconut, roasted
  • 4-5 cloves garlic, peeled, sliced and fried
  • 6 shallots, peeled, sliced and fried
  • 2 large red chillies, seeded and cut in fine strips
  • 4-6 bird's-eye chillies, finely sliced
  • 3 teaspoons fried chillies (Sambel Sare Tabia)
  • 2 tablespoons chicken spice paste (see recipe)
  • fried shallots to garnish
  • 250 g (1/2 lb) boneless chicken, minced
  • 2 tablespoons chicken spice paste
  • 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns
  • crushed banana leaf, cut in 30 cm (12 in) square
Combine beans, coconut., garlic, shallots, all the chillies and chicken spice paste in a large bowl and mix well.
To prepare the dressing, combine chicken mince with 2 tablespoons of chicken spice paste and mix well. Place minced chicken lengthwise in centre of banana leaf and roll up very tightly. Place banana leaf on aluminium foil and roll up again very tightly. Turn sides simultaneously in opposite directions to tighten the roll. Steam roll for 20 minutes. Remove aluminium foil and banana leaf and break up meat with a fork to its original minced form.
Combine minced chicken with bean mixture, season to taste with salt pepper and lime juice. Gar- msh with crispy fried shallots. Note The minced chicken can be replaced by beef, pork or shredded young jackfruit.
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Grilled Fish in Banana Leaf

This is the Balinese equivalent of a popular Javanese dish, Ikan Pepes. If banana leaves are not available, replace with greased aluminium foil Small whole fish are often used in Bali instead of fillets cut from a large fish; just adjust the size of the banana leaf wrapping. See How to Wrap Fish

  • 500 g (1 lb) skinned boneless snapper fillet, cut in 4
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup seafood spice paste (see recipe)
  • sprigs lemon basil
  • 4 salam leaves
  • 4 banana leaves, cut in 15 cm (6 in) squares
Season fish fillet with salt and cover evenly with seafood spice paste. Cover and leave to marinate in cool place for 6 hours. Place fish in centre of banana leaves, top each with 2 sprigs of lemon basil and 1 salam leaf. Fold banana leaves around fillets in shape of a small parcel and fasten with a toothpick. Steam parcels for 15 minutes, then place on charcoal cooker or under a grill and cook for 5 minutes until banana leaves are evenly browned.
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Balinese Squid

If youTre only accustomed to eating deemfried squid, you'll be surprised by tbe difference when its is cooked Balinese style. If squid is unavailable, replace with large cuttlefish or any other firm fish fillets such as snapper or sea bass.

  • 600 g (1¼ lb) baby squid
  • 1 tablespoon fresbly squeezed lime juice
  • 1/3 teaspoon powdered white Pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons oil
  • 5 shallots, peeled and sliced
  • 2 large red chillies, seeded and sliced
  • 1 cup seafood spice paste (see recipe)
  • 1 cup chicken stock (see recipe)
  • 5 sprigs lemon basil, sliced
  • fried shallots
  • sprigs of lemon basil to garnish

Remove skin of squid and put out the tentacles and head. Cut off and discard the head and beaky portion, but reserve the tentacles if preferred. Clean the squid thoroughly inside and out. Marinate squid with lime juice, pepper and salt. Heat oil in wok, add shallots, chillies and squid and saute for 2 minutes over high heat. Add seafood spice paste and continue to saute for 1 more minute. Pour in chicken stock, add the sliced basil and bring to hot. Reduce beat and simmer for 1 minute. Season to taste and garnish with sprigs of lemon basil, fried shallots and serve with steamed rice.

Note: if you are using frozen squid, plunge in boiling water for 30 seconds to seal the squid, thus ensuring that it will saute' rather than stew.

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Marinated Grilled Fish

  • 1 kg (2 lb) whole snapper, deaned
  • 2 tablepoons freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon powdered white pepper
  • 1 cup seafood spice paste (see recipe)
  • oil to brush fish
With a sharp knife cut four slits about 2 cm (1") deep on both sides ofthe fish. This allows the seasoning to penetrate better and the fish to cook more evenly. Season outside with lime juice salt and pepper. Fill the inside of the fish with seafood spice paste. If possible, leave the fish to marinate for several hours to improve the flavour.
Brush with a little oil, place on charcoal grill and cook over medium heat. Serve with Sambal Tomat, Sambal Matah and white rice.

Note: As fish tends to stick very easily, be sure to oil both the fish and the grill liberally before cooking. If you used a hinged wire grilling rack that holds the fish firmly, it makes the cooking much easier and ensures the fish doesn't break up. Snapper can be replaced by any other whole white-fleshed fish suitable for grilling, such as perch or sea bass.

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Vegetable and Fruit Salad with Palm Sugar Sauce

This popular snack, an intriguing mixture of sweet, sour and spicy hot flavours, is prepared at countless warung tbroughout Bali.

  • 1 small pineapple, peeled and sliced evenly
  • 1 sour mango, peeled and sliced
  • 1 pomelo or grapefruit, peeled and cut in segments
  • 1 small cucumber, peeled, seeded and sliced
  • 3 water apples (jambu), quartered (optional)
  • 1 medium-sized starfruit, sliced
  • ½ small papaya, peeled, cut in half, seeded and sliced in even segments
  • 1 green apple, peeled and sliced
  • 1 cup Rujak Sauce
Combine all ingredients in salad bowl and mix well. Serve at room temperature. Serve as a snack or as part of a meal
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Black Rice Pudding

It's bard to find a foreign visitor to Bali who does not fall in love with the wonderful nutty flavour and mcli ngly sin ooth texture of Black Rice Pudding, served with a swirl of creamy coconut milk on top.

Rinse both lots of rice thoroughly for 2 minutes under running water. Drain. Put 5 cups water, both lots of rice and pandan leaf into heavy pan. Sim- mer over medium heat approximately 40 minutes.

Add palm sugar syrup and continue to cook until most of the liquid has evaporated. Season with a pinch of salt. Remove from heat, allow to cool. Serve at room temperature, topped with freshly squeezed coconut. Note: As fresh coconut milk turns rancid fairly quickly, a pinch of salt is usually added to the milk to help preserve it for a few hours. A more effective alternative is to cook the coconut milk with 1 teaspoon of cornflour diluted in a little water - heat gently, stirring constantly, for a couple of minutes. This coconut sauce will keep overnight.

Milk made from instant powdered coconut will not turn rancid, although the flavour is not as good as fresh coconut milk.


  • Palm Sugar
  • a little water
  • Pandan leaf
Heat all ingredients in a small saucepan until sugar is turned into liquid