Dan & Julie Takasugi's Photo Page

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Latest Portraits
Traci & Tommy Portrait Oct 2001
Family Portrait Oct 2001
Traci's Soccer Team Oct 2001
2nd Family Portrait Oct 2001
Traci in 2nd Grade Oct 2001
Tommy our Preschooler Oct 2001
Traci in 2nd Grade Sep 2001
Traci and Tommy Portrait July 2001
Traci's 1st Grade Portrait March 2001
Tommy's Other Portrait Oct 2000
Family Portrait 10/14/00
Tommy's 3-year Portrait Oct 2000
Traci's 1st Grade Portrait Oct 2000
Traci & Tommy May 2000
Traci's Ballet Class Portrait June 2000
Traci our young Ballerina June 2000

Family Photos
Julie with her Dad 12/26/01
Kids with Vammen Grandparents 12/27/01
Traci's Barbie Birthday Cake 12/15/01
Traci at birthday dinner 12/15/01
Kids playing bank at playground 11/10/01
Julie meeting friends in Santa Rosa 11/10/01
Traci making cookies at school 10/31/01
Kids with Takasugi Grandparents 10/28/01
Family at Dan's University 10/27/01
Takasugi Relatives Visit Chico 10/28/01
Traci with Soccer Trophy 10/9/01
Tommy's 1st Day at Preschool 9/5/01
Traci going to 2nd Grade 8/20/01
Kids in Chico Swimhole 8/18/01
Tommy Riding a 2-Wheeler 8/14/01
Traci's Front Tooth Gone 8/14/01
Takasugi Clan Photo 7/4/01
Tommy and Grandpa Vammen 6/29/01
Kids in Aberdeen 6/28/01
Family at Arches Natl Park 6/15/01
Traci at Arches 6/15/01
On a Hike in Colorado 6/13/01
Traci w/ Baby Cousin Alex 6/12/01
Kids Farewell Party in MD 6/2/01
Tommy Cutting a Tree Down 5/27/01
MD Tornado Damage 5/25/01
Traci's Awana Awards 5/20/01
Traci's School Art Project 5/10/01
Brother Charlie's Visit to MD 5/4/01
Kids w/ Chico Tee Shirts 4/21/01
Jamestown w/ Colonial Hats 4/18/01
Kids at Easter in MD 4/15/01
Papa&Beba's Visit to MD 4/7/01
Beba&Papa at Cherry Blossoms 4/5/01
Traci loses her first tooth 3/28/01
At Disney Animal Kingdom 1/22/01
Traci & Cinderella 1/23/01
Animal Kingdom Dinosaur 1/22/01
Kids w/ Pooh Dinner 1/23/01
Kids at Epcot Mexico 1/21/01

Archive of 2000 Family Photos

Archive of 1999 Family Photos

Traci as Student Artist of the Month
Berry Elementary Art Newsletter

Traci's First Book
"Unicorns" by Traci Nov 2000

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a Few Times a Day

Last Updated January 12, 2002

Hello Friends and Relatives! Glad you took the time to visit our Photo Page. We hope this is a convenient way to share some of our family photos with you.

Family in Monterey, CA 8/5/01

Some Takasugi Family News

  • As most of you know, we are now living in Chico, California. It's about 90-miles north of Sacramento in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mounains. See Regional Map of Chico. Dan retired from the U.S. Coast Guard and took a job with California State University, Chico, a mid-size residential college with 17,000 students.

  • Over the Christmas 2001 break, we went up to Aberdeen and Graham, WA to visit our families for Christmas. Then we went out to visit with Jim and Keenie Morris (Julie's Uncle/Aunt) and spent a couple days skiing with them at Schweitzer Ski Resort near Sandpoint, Idaho. Traci and Tommy both took ski lessons. Traci did very well, but on her last ski run, she tried to race Dan and took quite a tumble, while Dan was trying to get her to slow down.

  • We just bought a New House in Chico, in a new neighborhood. Most of the other families are also new to the neighborhood. It's only about 3 blocks from the Elementary School and High School. Dan likes it because it's also close to the city golf course.

  • As of this update, Tommy just turned 4 in September and Traci turned 7 on 12/15/01.

  • Tommy just started preschool. He is having lots of fun at school and is doing well. He loves to wrestle with Dad. Tommy continues to show that he has good coordination. We were pretty amazed when he started riding his 2-wheeler bike as a 3 year old. He also likes to skateboard and play baseball.

  • Traci is attending school about 3 blocks down the street at a school called Marigold Elementary. She just started second grade and is doing very well. She loves to read chapter books, and has gone through most of Julie's old Bobbsey Twin books. In fact, we can't get her to sleep, because she's reading books under the covers with a flashlight. Traci played fall soccer and will play spring soccer.

  • Dan's job is busier than he ever thought it should be in retirement. There's a lot to learn in the new job, lots of people to hire, and lots of difficult projects are all happening all at once. He really enjoys the campus environment and the small town feel. The 5 mile commute is much better than the long commute he had into Washington DC. He doesn't get to golf as much as he's like. But he tries to get in an early morning jog before work to a nearby city park.

  • Julie is enjoying life being a mom. She joined a women's group with our church, and helps out at Traci's elementary school and at Tommy's preschool. She ferries the kids around town, and is becoming the classic "soccer mom".

  • If you're ever in Northern California, please drop by to visit. Chico is a quaint mid-sized college town only about 20-minutes East of I-5.

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