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Collinearity in regression Uncorrelated independent variables

                            OBS    X1    X2     Y
                             1      4     2    42
                             2      4     2    39
                             3      4     3    48
                             4      4     3    51
                             5      6     2    49
                             6      6     2    53
                             7      6     3    61
                             8      6     3    60

Collinearity in regression Uncorrelated independent variables

Model: MODEL1
Dependent Variable: Y
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            2    402.25000    201.12500       57.057       0.0004
       Error            5     17.62500      3.52500
       C Total          7    419.87500

           Root MSE       1.87750     R-square       0.9580
           Dep Mean      50.37500     Adj R-sq       0.9412
           C.V.           3.72704
                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1      0.375000    4.74045093         0.079        0.9400
     X1         1      5.375000    0.66379590         8.097        0.0005
     X2         1      9.250000    1.32759180         6.968        0.0009
     Variable  DF     Type I SS    Type II SS     Tolerance     Inflation
     INTERCEP   1         20301      0.022059     .            0.00000000
     X1         1    231.125000    231.125000    1.00000000    1.00000000
     X2         1    171.125000    171.125000    1.00000000    1.00000000

                           Correlation of Estimates
        CORRB             INTERCEP                X1                X2

        INTERCEP            1.0000           -0.7001           -0.7001
        X1                 -0.7001            1.0000            0.0000
        X2                 -0.7001            0.0000            1.0000

                 Collinearity Diagnostics(intercept adjusted)

                                   Condition  Var Prop  Var Prop
              Number  Eigenvalue       Index  X1        X2
                   1     1.00000     1.00000    1.0000    0.0000
                   2     1.00000     1.00000    0.0000    1.0000

Collinearity in regression Highly correlated predictors (Hald's data)

                     OBS    X1    X2    X3    X4      Y
                       1     7    26     6    60     78.5
                       2     1    29    15    52     74.3
                       3    11    56     8    20    104.3
                       4    11    31     8    47     87.6
                       5     7    52     6    33     95.9
                       6    11    55     9    22    109.2
                       7     3    71    17     6    102.7
                       8     1    31    22    44     72.5
                       9     2    54    18    22     93.1
                      10    21    47     4    26    115.9
                      11     1    40    23    34     83.8
                      12    11    66     9    12    113.3
                      13    10    68     8    12    109.4

Collinearity in regression Highly correlated predictors (Hald's data)

Model: MODEL1
Dependent Variable: Y
                             Analysis of Variance

                                Sum of         Mean
       Source          DF      Squares       Square      F Value       Prob>F
       Model            4   2667.89944    666.97486      111.479       0.0001
       Error            8     47.86364      5.98295
       C Total         12   2715.76308

           Root MSE       2.44601     R-square       0.9824
           Dep Mean      95.42308     Adj R-sq       0.9736
           C.V.           2.56333
                             Parameter Estimates

                      Parameter      Standard    T for H0:
     Variable  DF      Estimate         Error   Parameter=0    Prob > |T|
     INTERCEP   1     62.405369   70.07095921         0.891        0.3991
     X1         1      1.551103    0.74476987         2.083        0.0708
     X2         1      0.510168    0.72378800         0.705        0.5009
     X3         1      0.101909    0.75470905         0.135        0.8959
     X4         1     -0.144061    0.70905206        -0.203        0.8441
     Variable  DF     Type I SS    Type II SS     Tolerance     Inflation
     INTERCEP   1        118372      4.745517     .            0.00000000
     X1         1   1450.076328     25.950911    0.02597658   38.49621149
     X2         1   1207.782266      2.972478    0.00393046  254.42316585
     X3         1      9.793869      0.109090    0.02133634   46.86838633
     X4         1      0.246975      0.246975    0.00353966  282.51286479

                           Correlation of Estimates
CORRB         INTERCEP            X1            X2            X3            X4

INTERCEP        1.0000       -0.9678       -0.9978       -0.9769       -0.9983
X1             -0.9678        1.0000        0.9510        0.9861        0.9568
X2             -0.9978        0.9510        1.0000        0.9624        0.9979
X3             -0.9769        0.9861        0.9624        1.0000        0.9659
X4             -0.9983        0.9568        0.9979        0.9659        1.0000

Collinearity in regression Highly correlated predictors (Hald's data)

                 Collinearity Diagnostics(intercept adjusted)

                         Condition  Var Prop  Var Prop  Var Prop  Var Prop
    Number  Eigenvalue       Index  X1        X2        X3        X4
         1     2.23570     1.00000    0.0026    0.0006    0.0015    0.0005
         2     1.57607     1.19102    0.0043    0.0004    0.0050    0.0005
         3     0.18661     3.46134    0.0635    0.0021    0.0465    0.0007
         4     0.00162    37.10634    0.9296    0.9969    0.9471    0.9983