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Updated On 5/11/99

Questions & Answers



Q - I have gone to confession so many times, what if the priest refuses to forgive me the next time?

A - He can't refuse. However, in these times, many don't understand the nature of this sin, or that it is a sin. If that is the case, and the priest won't help you, then go to another priest. Don't give up.


Q - Is there any hope for me when I am afraid to go to confession?

A - Well, Satan doesn't want you to go. The fear you have is a temptation from the evil one to keep you from confession. God is ready to forgive you and will forgive you again and again as long as you are sorry and try not to sin again. Satan knows that, so he uses lies to keep you away from the Sacrament, away from God. Now, if there weren't any hope in your being forgiven , would Satan be wasting his time in tempting you away from the Sacrament? Me thinks not.


Q - I say the "Do Not Consent" prayer and the thought or image is still in my mind, what am I to do?

A - Well, you certainly took enough time to make this sin a habit, how about taking a little time to make a habit of this prayer? You may have to do this prayer over and over again. Then you will have a minute or two reprive from the thought or image and it comes right back. Do the prayer again and again. AND ANOTHER THING WHILE I AM SHOUTING - Are you doing the morning meditation? Then take a minute, take a couple of deep breaths, think of God's greatness and your littleness (just like the morning meditation) and then camly say the prayer. Realize that you are in God's presence and gaze at him with the eyes of your soul.


Q - Which two faculties of the soul are helped to be healed in practicing mortification of the eyes?

A - The memory and the imagination.


Q - Just because I am on a diet can't I still look at the menu?

A - Remember what Our Lord said about Satan? He was a liar and a murderer from the start. The menu statement is a lie from the prince of lies trying to lead you into sin (death). He wants to kill you!!!


Q - Any suggestions for being tempted while on the 'net? There's lots of free sites out there that are dangerous. There are lots of free videos too, help!

A - Run away from temptation. If the internet is necessary to you making a living or you are going to use it spiritually then do the following:

1. Part of making a good confession is having a firm purpose of amendment. That amendment is included in the "Act of Contrition" when you say " . . . to avoid all proximate occasions of sin." Soooooo

2. Before logging on to the internet make a firm amendment of purpose. Make a list of sites that you are going to visit and only visit those sites. If you see links that are of interest, jot down their address and put them on the list for next time.

3. Before logging on to the internet make the Sign of the Cross and say the following prayer "God, you are my strength. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me keep to this firm amendment of purpose for Your Honor and Glory."

4. When finished with your internet session, give God thanks for assisting you by making the Sign of the Cross, they pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. Remember, DO THE MORNING MEDITATIONS.

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