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Pistol Packin' Preachers

PPP's come from all denominational backgrounds.  The things we have in common are: we all serve the Lord Jesus, and we all like firearms.  These pages will introduce you to some interesting PPP's around the world.

If you want to join PPP's, send your name to and you will receive the password to access the editing pages of this site where you can add your name and any information about that you wish.This will be your personal webpage! If you do not feel you could do it, write the webmaster with your information.

Click on the name of the PPP's on this page and you will be take to their page or websites.

David Galloway

Jerome Witham

Bill Gilson

Jim Taylor

Paul Moreland

Paul Hurst

PPPA Message Board 

Submitted by Rusty.
"Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip:
and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." Luke 22:36

This was submitted by Lee
A plethora of pistol packing preachers pondering and pontificating in the perfect pasture.
Lord I love alliteration.
(Sorry guys I just couldn't resist)