2:08 A.M.

I have seen things and heard things that no sane person should be subjected to. I have whitnessed murders and seen the useless hate in them. I have viewed with my mind’s eye chaos and destruction that knows no end, I have heard the growls and gnarls of darkness within my dreams. I have watched my soul become engulfed with a sea of darkness, when no man, or woman for that matter, would dare stand beside me and claim this flesh as their companion.
The fact of the matter is, everyone endures. The plan is set, the players chosen, and the winners have won. But we are in the here-now and choose not to see that far ahead. We are watching every step in front of us and see only below our feet, not down the road of life. We are also so entwined in ourselves that we have lost all concept of feeling others. If we expect people to give up to ourselves, how can they if everyone wants everyone else to give up? Impossible. Our voice is useless, because we have forgotten how to listen. Our ears are useless because we have forgotten how to talk.
Darkness knows no boundaries. Race, Creed, Religion, Male or Female, darkness is within. Always. Humans are animals, sometimes more clever, often more brutal. The darkness overtakes even the holiest of those, because everyone spends a night in the dark time of the soul. Realize this and you will have grown.
Take these words, and trod them into the ground. What have you accomplished? Nothing. Take these words and set them ahigh. What have you done now? Still nothing. Words, words, words. Nothingness. Do you see yet? Perhaps not. Think spirit, and all will become clear. See not with your eyes, but look with your mind. Look within and what do you see?
We all feel the same way. Not the feeling, but the how. One feels hate, one feels love. Yin and Yang. Male and Female. Light and Dark. Good and Evil, Eternity. One without the other is one. But two is the union, the whole of the matter. One piece is no better then the other. One way is just as good as another. In the end the pieces fit to make the puzzle complete.
I have seen demons and spoken with angels. I have communed with those that are betwixt the two. I have spoken to God and sat at supper with Satan. Dined from both dishes and drank from both cups. The only weapon true is knowledge. But, when you learn you have to unlearn. Otherwise your mind becomes stagnant. How? Feel with your heart and not with your hands. Then you may just learn something useful.
Everyday I must battle with my inner demons to maintain this earthly mind. I have to capitulate my thoughts and yield to those above and often those below. Everyday I have ripped from me a reason to live. Soon the reasons will subside, and I will have no reasons left to live by. What then? Wait and see. See the ramblings of the madman. Darkness within, darkness without. Light within, light without. Mortal and immortal, all at once. It all means no thing.
If you try to decipher these words with a complex nature, you will gain absolutely nothing. If you look as though you have seen for the first time, you may see much. Whether you do or not is immaterial. In the end it all means no thing. It means something. You have to unlearn to see this, otherwise it is as the mud about the water. Dirty, not clean for viewing.
See not the single path, but the open field. Watch out before and look not behind when going down the path of life. See what is good for good, and what is bad for bad and be able to tell the difference between the two. Gray is what the picture is, but what is the picture of? If you can say this and make people understand, you are a savior. If not you are a mortal, just as I am. Now ask yourself a question. What does this all mean and where do I fit in? Laugh it off and you will see how simple the key is to the door that opens the way for you. I can show you the door and give you the key, but you have to unlock it. I can point the direction, but you have to walk it. I can show you the script, but you have to say it. You, not me. Be selfless and see not my words but your own. Now you are getting somewhere.