Ryan Holt's Poetic Verse

seldom do we get the opportunity to express ourselves to our own creative limits without some type of outside hindrance. That is exactly what i sought during the compilation of assorted verse you see before you, a way to break the monotony. In this little literary shindig, you'll find all types of writings, perhaps one fits you... I hope that you enjoy my page! Before i relieve you of my ramblings, ther is one thing. I see NOTHING wrong with the utilization of certain mind-altering substances as creative outlets or catalysts, however, keeping your mind alive should always be first priority. Thanks for visiting!!

"Karma Cleansing" A Karmic revelation, my soul glows bright as the melodic mantra, captivating in it's calm repetition, frees my inspiration. I float above myself, for the moment I see life. The knowledge of things lost, and images of who i should've been come flashing before my eyes. My inner dragon stirs, laying open my sadness. a bloodied tear, jagged across time, reveals the levels i have seen. A Karmic revelation, ambient in it's light.

"Walk Alone" breathe shallowly alone, sitting by the window glaring, sounds forever scaring, an ever redundant tone... as i weep into my hands, by the glass i keep convulsing, a stranger but half man, his axe never halting. For the dawn shall find them, children torn to nothing, brought down by evil's tongue, and a lonely man's lusting. Cries shot forth in fright, in ever maddening fright, a smile breaks his lips, from his hands crimson drips, the end iv'e seen this night.

"Yearning" She stands alone, awaiting my visit, wanting to be mine. She's the essence of beauty, and all i can do is stare. I have a new love, her name is Gibson. Lonely, in the shop window she sleeps, needing someone to carry her away. How i wish it were me, buying that six string goddess, and wailing out my grief. She only cries when i want her to, and when im low, she's low... she feels the blues deeper than any woman can.

"Classic Crush" Identity crisis, preconceived notions now shattered like glass, sending the blood of wisdom liberally flowing to the surface, filling my eyes with her allure. She moves within me, the desire to feel her presence overwhelms me, driving my emotions into polite suppression, all the while her beauty never wavers. Her grace never falters. Yet this clandestine crush must remain so, a mere dream amongst an ocean of impossibility, for to reveal my heart would be an open invite to vulnerability, and the end of an emotional struggle, that drives our friendship all the stronger.

"Sordid Musings" You make me smile when the world is caving in, it's terribly depressing. I say to myself, "Man, you gotta put down that guitar, quit strummin on that dream machine and start living a man's life!" But that's not my passion, im a dreamer, cast out by a government that claims to be my mother, left out by the whore who claimed to be my lover, and yet i still won't ever put down that guitar.

"Streetcorner Starlet" A frightening recognition, I've seen her before. A soiled face amongst nuns and whores, but we kept on walking, journeying on toward our bleak futures, and imminent demise. To think, if i had only turned back, touched her face and felt her pain, would we be together today? Or perhaps scorned, Our love destroyed by time, our hearts hardened by eachother, victims of lost opportunity.

"Salvation" Save me! Take my hand and lead me from this land of broken love. The light is blinding, as it scorches me from above. Yet no reprieve i shall desire, for it's ecstasy for me, emotional bliss beyond the heat of your heart's vengeful fire. You glare at me with angry eyes, crying "It will never be the same!" But i sense the flaw in your love's disguise, i see the flicker in your flame. You love me, i feel it, deny me no longer, for each day you push me away, my love grows agonizingly stronger.

"The Drive" The beast calls out from within, wearing an expression of mock happiness. It feeds on the forbidden, constantly yearning. And even as the cloud, thick and rolling, courses into my lungs, the beast continues to bay, never satisfied ... never high enough.

"Endless Battle" It's an endless battle, and she wages it alone. Nothing by her side save terror, her heart a dead weight of guilt. Again, she lies to herself, Again, she'll cry by herself. No hands to help her up, no loving embrace to hold her close, Only the angry fists of false love, and a burning insecurity feuling his fury. Her private war screams into the dawn, it's an endless battle until she's gone. ...For Julie Stillwell...

"Song Of The Orient" An insufferable song, The Melodic agony plays a spiraling path throughout my mind. Sweet words, From a rotten mouth. How the lust is felt so powerfully, in the darkness, where you cant see my face... That is when i'll love you.

"Insonia, A Craving" Four-twenty in the morning, i walk the streets alone. A bleak silhouette against a dismal small town backdrop. I wander without direction, letting my feet lead me a myriad of different ways, seemingly awaiting day. A healthy fear of the sun, and the way it casts its sharp beam, burning away my aura. All of this i ponder, in a moment's blinding flash, for the day is still peacefully at slumber, Half a world away.

"Mentor" It's the dawn of a new day, and i'm terrified. Your reassuring smile pushes me onward, despite a mounting fear of what's to come. I turn back, you are there. I scream out in anguish, and you silence me. So now it's time to face the future, to continue on in the face of impossibility, until i collapse in the street. And who will lift me now? Telling me i can do it, pressing me on against my will? Will you stand by me now, as i reach to you from my deepest sorrow? No. you are gone now i see, to feed on another fresh soul, with no one to guide them.

Well, for the time being, that is it. i'd love to hear any feedback on this page you may have, and will surely try to respond in the appropriate manner. I can be contacted at PIMPSHERIDAN@hotmail.com Also thanks to BJ "saki" Hywell... a great friend and excellent source of knowledge. Thanks again for visiting!!!