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welcome to planetnaomi

"Lucy, I tol' you not to go to de club!" "But Ricky, I can explain!" "Okay, Lucy. 'Splain!"

click here if you crashed onto mi planeta by mistake and you really really want to go home now

DISCLAIMER: these pages were built at 5 in the morning sometime during my first semester of college. the result? cheesiness. hardcore suckage. i reread this stuff, and i can't help but laugh out loud at myself. it's pretty bad. but for now, you'll have to deal. the easiest way to navigate through my dirty room in cyberspace is to go to the main page, click on a link, procrastinate there for an hour, then hit the 'BACK' button on your browser to go to another page. hey, at least i bothered to make you path through my dirty cyber-underwear. :) and sorry about those pop-ups. minimize them instead of exiting them, and they'll be out of your way. after finals, i'll redo this site, and maybe then it'll be something worth looking at. until then, enjoy your stay on a messy planetnaomi. and don't say i didn't warn you how cheesy it was. :) now stop procrastinating and do your work! all my love-- naomispice. 4.11.2k
