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Company Profile:

The Park Theatre was opened in Fort Smith in the 1970's. It was later closed from the early 1980's to the mid 1990's. We are proud to open the new and revised company known as the "Park Theatre". We offer movie entertainment and special event promotion. We also host Special Events, plan your next event with the Park Theatre.

What's New?

Well, we've put up our movie listings for the month. We have opened a new fast food outlet adding to our company. Gangland Pizza is the new place in town for all your food needs.

Phone: 872-4213 Make your order today! or find out the movie playing!

Click Here to see the Menu!

Check out these sites as well (click on link)

Fort Smith Volleyball


Aboriginal owned and operated.

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All information is copyright Park Theatre and can not be reproduced or replicated on any other page without the permission from Park Theatre owner.