Work For A Real Business

Hi. I live in Ontario Canada and I have been working for this company for 3 years now and they are worth working for. I get paid in U.S dollars every month.

I try to encourage people that want to work at home with something as easy as this is to sign up and see for themselves. I don't believe in sale pitches and this is not what I am trying do. Many times internet home workers will say that this isn't for them and miss a good legitimate work at home opportunity that's very easy to do.

When you join the company they give you the ads with your ID code number. The ads are all put together and all you have to do is put your ID code in the ad URL link. Then post it. People see the ads and click on them and once they do, your ID code is recorded and you made $1.00 US. That simple.

Remember: That's one person. There are Millions on the net every day looking at ads.

I only try to direct people that are truly looking for a real work at home business or company to work for.

I encourage you to join the company and I will help you with any advertising that you need help with. Literally, I have thousands of places for you to place ads every day. I will show you how easy it is to make money right at home.

If you have any questions, please email me know and I'll be happy to assist you at: JNS@NRTCO.NET with "JS6430 Info" on Subject Line.

My Sample Payment For 2001

12 Sample Payments For Placing Ads
DATE Received Check To/From COMPANY Amount $
 Jan. 2001  Check 1  From  C J Holdings  $167.50
 Feb. 2001  Check 2  From  C J Holdings  $126.00
 March 2001  Check 3  From  C J Holdings  $127.00
 April 2001  Check 4  From  C J Holdings  $253.00
 May 2001  Check 5  From  CJ Holdings  $258.50
 June 2001  Check 6  From  C J Holdings  $371.50
 July 2001  Check 7  From  C J Holdings  $176.50
 August 2001  Check 8  From  C J Holdings  $226.50
 Sept. 2001  Check 9  From  C J Holdings  $186.50
 October 2001  Check 10  From  C J Holdings  $181.50
 Nov. 2001  Check 11  From  C J Holdings  $259.00
 Dec. 2001  Check 12  From  C J Holdings  $94.50
Commissions paid for this Year: $2428.00
Commissions NOT paid or pending: $0

Cick on the link below and see for yourself how you can make this same kind of income and more every month by posting ads for companies.

Click Here To Learn More

Below are the type of ads that they give me to place. Please feel free to browse the ads. You are under No obliation to join, buy or sell anything. No one will ever contact you. They are all free ads to look at.