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::June 27th, 2003::
I have built a steady cam, and I have also built a Boom Stick, so now I have some equipment to work with for The Hunger. But good news is I've talked to Kirsten, and she now has a script and is willing to make this film. But she is gone until the 15th of July so we'll have to film all of the other parts around that schedule.

::June 23rd, 2003::
It came early! The Shotgun mic is here, I can't believe a mail system beat it's quote! That is we can start filming The Hunger...this is great. Also, I am going to be entering into a High School Film Festival here in exciting.

::June 22th, 2003::
Aparentally the Shotgun mic is going to be here on Tuesday, which is two days away. I really have to get to work now, figuring out when I will film. I also added a couple of movie pages, one for the new Murphman Studios film, "Eyes of Conflict" (name is still temporary) and the other for the 2003 Graduation video made by the Class Historians. Some of the videos are missing (namely 'Penthouse Exposed', and 'Heavy Duty Trafficing'), but the rest of the Grad 2003 video is up. Check them out.

::June 18th, 2003::
Shotgun mic is ordered and on the way, should be here within days. That's super exciting...I figure after we get that, we can begin to think about shooting The Hunger. I am also talking with a friend about helping her make an audition tape...and this would be my first real editing job, where I would get paid! That's super! More money to put into MS...!

I really need to find some time to make this movie, though, it's frustrating to have this finished screenplay, and willing actors (minus one) and no time to film...

Also, seeing as I'm 18, and I need a summer job, I'll probably be employed soon with some ball-busting construction job. But that would open up some very interesting film locations (if I had a nice enough boss)...we'll have to see...

::June 8th, 2003::
Wow, it's been almost 3 months since I last updated...that's not right. Anyways, some minor news for MS, as we have a new movie in pre-production, tentatively called 'Eyes of Conflict', it's about a car accident and the two different views of it.
We're going to have to get going on 'The Huger' pretty soon, I'm just waiting to get my shotgun's going to take some patience to get everything, though, especially the Fed-Ex truck that we'll need. Hopefully I can call them up and ask to use one for 30 minutes. Let's hope. But other than the new movie, there is no news, hopefully I'll update more frequently.

I lied, actually...I have done something, and while it wasn't originally anything to do with MS, I figure it can't hurt for me to put it check out MS's first foray into the world of CARTOONS!


::March 28th, 2003::
Yesterday the hubn finally came, and I can import movie (after some trouble with the firewire card) onto the computer. And you know what that means? The trailer for The Hunger is done. You can either go over to the link Trailer or just get them right here. Broadband. Modem.

::March 24th, 2003::
It's Monday, and that damned Hub hasn't come yet. I have the 4-6 pin cable, but nothing to plug it into...FIE ON YOU!! Oh well, it was cool to see news about The Hunger being reported on, fun stuff. We are going to start production of The Hunger soon here, most likely Wednesday or Thursday...Good luck to us.

::March 20th, 2003::
It's my (Brandon's) birthday, send me an email to show that you love me. If not, go to hell. new news, but I bought some makeup for The Hunger, all I need is a white Fed Ex shirt and then we'll be completely's hoping I can film the whole movie this spring break.

::March 19th, 2003::
The Laptop is back up and running, and we have the Firewire cad, we just have to wait for the hub (should come soon) before we can edit anything. It shouldn't be too long now. And here's a teaser poster for the next project by Murphman Studios, codenamed Clown Shoes.

::March 17th, 2003::
Brandon's birthday is this Thursday, but he is frustrated by Dell's weak computers. At least they have good Customer Service, so I am getting hooked up with that new DVD-Rom. There is more Firewire crap coming to us now, a Hub and a 4 to 6-pin cable, so hopefully the editing will finally work (exporting, I mean). Anyways, I added a review for a movie called "Knock Over" that I found over at Student, it's a pretty cool movie and I suggest that you check it out.

::March 16th, 2003::
The Firewire card came, but it is a weird kind so I'm having all sorts of problems figuring it out. But another thing, the laptop is down until further notice...Dell has screwed me...oh well, they're sending me a new DVD-Rom drive. I have to get this crap fixed frustrating.

::March 12th, 2003::
The Firewire card STILL isn't here, of course, I think it is 5-8 days, or maybe that was 3-5...I don't remember. Anyways, I took Trevor out today, and we shot the trailer for The Hunger...but it can't be edited until I have the Firewire's going to be until sometime next week (if I get the card next week) or this weekend (if i get it before the weeks end) before the Trailer is up. Other than that, there really isn't much to talk about, I should probably start writing more reviews...I think I'll do that actually.

::March 10th, 2003::
Still awaiting the new Firewire card to come. You should all head back over to the CNK:ASB page, as I just added a higher quality version of the movie for all of you with a higher speed of connection...

::March 9th, 2003::
I am getting a new Firewire card now (the other one wouldn't I'm going to try a new one) and it is shipping (Got it on eBay). But I took the fully edited version of CNK-Articus Strikes Back, and compressed it for our viewers. It's roughly 2 megs, and is good for any modem. I'll be updating soon with a better quality one for you broadband users. Check out the CNK:ASB page for the movie. Hopefully I'll be updating more frequently...


::Feb 25th, 2003::
(LATE UPDATE) I finished editing Code Name Kirk - Articus Strikes Back! It's all done now, and it only took a combined 9 or 10 hours! For an 8-minute movie, that's not bad! I'm going to figure out compression and that stuff in the next couple of days, but right now, I'm just happy that is done with.

I have almost completed the full edit of CNK Articus Strikes back. It's about 8 minutes long, and features music from Tiny Tim and Diana Krall, as well as some originals by Brandon. I am editing it together as I type this, and I figured I'd just leave you all a little heads up. So, it should be done within the hour. Plans for putting on the site (or getting someone like Scope-Films to host) are not final. Stay tuned for more.

::Feb 24th, 2003::
Man, editing on the Laptop is sweet! I went to Future Shop today and got a Laptop Firewire plugin, and then later on I went to my Aunts house to use their Digital 8 camera so I could put Code Name Kirk - Articus Strikes Back (which is on a plain ol' 8mm tape) on the computer. I have been editing ever since...Premiere crashed on my once, and I forgot to save ANYTHING, so that was frustrating. But now I'm done all of the visuals (titles, transitions, effects...well...except one), and it is rendering (at a very fast pace). So this is all pretty exciting for Murphman. The first, fully digital edit.

I hope I can put it on the internet in the coming weeks, expect it to be fully edited (music, s-fx, and voices have to be put in), by Friday at the latest...more updates soon...

::Feb 23rd, 2003::
Oh my god!!! I got the laptop!!! I was s'posed to get it for my birthday, but my loving parents got it early...YAY! The specs are: 1.6 GHZ, 256 Megs of RAM, 20 GIG Harddrive (will need upgrading), and DVD player!!! YAY!

I updated again with reviews to AMF's "Infestation" and also Scope Films "Vimy Ridge - Special Edition", head over to the review section to see these. I also got the free domain name,, and I'm going to use it until the transaction with hostonce is cleared so I can get my dot com.

::Feb 22nd, 2003::
Added a couple of reviews in the review section. Right now I'm taking on AMF Productions work, next up is Scope-Films. More reviews will follow, but right now, 'Advice' and 'The Last Patrol' are the targets.

::Feb 21st, 2003::
I was talking to Rob, and he said he can do some creepy, solemn beats too. So I am going to look into his work, and he's a friend, so I can trust him. But the website is getting pretty good, actually. I ordered "", so hopefully we'll be up there soon. I am getting some programs that 'clean' movies so they are good quality AND small files on the website. So that'll help conserve space until I get the domain.

Also, I am going to update with some more info on "The Hunger" and the CNK movies...

::Feb 19th, 2003::
Last night I spent a little bit of time working on the screenplay, I really downsized some of the "Evil Whisper"'s extensive dialogue. And changed a few of his lines, which I think help alot. I'm still wondering if I should add in an extra scene at the beginning like my teacher suggested that builds suspense. But I also like the idea of not knowing what is going to happen. I don't know, I think I'm going to write in just an optional scene that I can take out or leave in depending on how well it works. But I do have some suspense, what with Ivette saying that she is a little wary about the dissapearances of the kids. So that builds some suspense, let's the audience know what might happen in the movie, or let them wonder...

I made some contacts with a man named Stuart M. Thomas, who composes movies, and we have been talking and he said he might do an entire score (!!!) for the movie FREE OF CHARGE...wowzers. That would be fantastic. But right now, I don't have anything for him to look at for a score, just paperwork. And that doesn't help anything, although I sent him the screenplay, and it should give him an idea of what I'm looking for. Damnit, I wanna start filming...

I have thought of using Trevor for the News Reporter, the job I wanted at first, but I need to film this thing. So, we'll see how it goes with him. I'm actually thinking of doing rehearsals, seeing how it could work. I mean, I'm taking this project seriously, I'm going to invest ALOT of time in it. I just hope that I can end up with a product that I will be proud of. Still need to find, or think of who I can use for Ivette and Griffin...

::Feb 18th, 2003::
Well, mental note, DON'T EDIT A MOVIE IN WIDESCREEN MODE!!! Mercenary ended up coming out kind of messed up looking, not perfect quality at all...oh well. It was just a quick job, and when I get my new computer, I'm going to edit it AND Code Name: Kirk 2 again. Because I know that I can make something better than what it is right now. But it's still neat to be able to get my edited creations to tape...

I should really think about doing a movie for the film festival, just a quick job that wouldn't have to be that great. I'll think about it...

I have to get crackin' on that 'The Hunger' screenplay.

::Feb 17th, 2003::
Been busy playing Zelda (got that Bonus disc thing for free yesterday), and have been editing alot too! I edited Mercenary (not very well, it was a quick job, just to get the movie to tape). But I figured out how to export my movies to video, and it looks really cool when finished, great quality! So now I'm rendering Mercenary on my brothers computer, and it should take a couple hours, but when it's done, I will export the 9 minute movie to tape, and BAM! Make copies for everyone in the project...well...just me probably.

I haven't done anything lately with The Hunger, but I have been thinking alot about music, and I haven't decided if I wanna keep it to a minimum, or go all out with it. I wanna pay someone to do a score, but it might be a little out of my price range...we'll see. I have to start filming it first, but I'm going to wait a little while longer before I make any of those decisions. I am going to edit the screenplay, change some dialogue so it's more 'life-like', some of it seems forced. Dialogue is brutal, so I'm going to spend alot of time on that...

Oh well, nothing really to say...other than...goodbye.

::Feb 14th, 2003::
Last night, I showed Kiley and Dan the screenplay for The Hunger and they both agreed to do it. Dan will be Richard Thompson, and Kiley will be the voice of the Evil Whisper. I am editing a new "Come to me, let me live through you, the hunger is strong" opening, just trying more motion, and music added...of course, in the final, Kiley will be talking too! It's looking pretty cool, actually...and I think we might actually start filming some screen tests soon...I have to figure out lighting, and sound and everything. So we'll see, I guess!

Until then, cheers!

::Feb 12th, 2003::
No real news right now, I talked to Dan yesterday, and he said he'll do it...sort of. He made fun of me, which is his way of saying he'll do it. So I've got Richard Thompson ready, I just need some girls. I want Kirsten, but I don't know? She is doing the Class Historian video, though, so...she isn't afraid of the camera. We'll have to figure all this out later. I really wanna start shooting, though, the sooner we start, the happier I am.

I want my laptop and I want a firewire PMCIA card for it...damnit, then I'd be set...editing in BED!!! PIMPED!!!
But until then, it's on this POS that I'm editing...oh well...better than nothing. Let's hope I can start shooting some pre-production stuff (need more screentests...). B-Man...AWAY!

::Feb 10th, 2003::
I'm getting a laptop, I think, and it will GREATLY increase productivity in editing, heck, I might even get a FIREWIRE card for it. That would rule ass. I did a new opening logo for Murphman Studios, and it is pretty cool. I'm getting REALLY good with Premiere, well...pretty good. I know SOO much more than I used to! It's great!

I showed my teacher (Creative Writing 30) "The Hunger" and he didn't like it...he said it was too much like Friday the 13th!!! What the hell? This is NOTHING like that. He says that it's all just an excuse to kill people...okay there, hotshot. That pissed me off. I know if I can do it right on film, it will be SO good. We'll see, I guess.

Right now I'm working on the opening title when it says "Come to me, let me live through you; The Hunger is strong". I had trouble on the first one, so I'm going to re-do it. I'm mad at Premiere's title has been nothing but trouble...oh well. Actually, it's pretty friggin' slick...just annoying when it comes to opening and closing it. But anyways, I'm gettin' back to my project...peace out.

::Feb 8th, 2003::
Just a quick update, I now have Adobe Premiere 6.5, so I should be able to do alot of things MUCH easier now, which is QUITE exciting. This news reporter stuff might actually be able to come together now. We'll have to see...
But I've been thinking about Captive, and wondering if I could actually start shooting basement and interior shots soon? I need to do some screentests, of course, especially to figure out lighting, and I HAVE TO FIGURE OUT WHERE IT IS ALL TAKING PLACE. I'm thinking Trevor's house for the upstairs, and my aunt (Michelle's) basement. But that might be tough...Hmmm...not many people have under-developed basements. Steph has a good one, move some shit around, spend the day there...but that isn't too convenient.

I don't know, we'll figure it out, though. Hopefully I'll be able to do some stuff tomorrow.

::Feb 7th, 2003::
I spent some time trying out some new things in Premiere, and I'm learning SOO much stuff that I didn't know's actually pretty fun. I don't know...just some effects, stuff. I was doing a test screening using my little sister for the news reporter. I wanted to make it look as much like a news program (by doing the ticker at the bottom and whatnot), but I was having some problems. There's still a couple of things I need to do, but it would be nice to get that scene shot and edited before I start production on the movie itself (I want to be able to have that movie of the reporter playing on the pimped would that look, and with the new ending, PIMPED!!!). I have to go back into the Screenplay to do a little bit of editing, but right now, everything is pretty stale. Not much going on, I made that poster yesterday. Which isn't done, but it's kinda cool. I don't know...I'm just tired (it's 2:17, so it's technically the 8th) and not looking to going to school on a Saturday. Ugh.

Oh well...more time for me to think about Captive. Just want to figure out that rolling text, it's going to be the death of me.

::Feb 6th, 2003::
I had to drastically change the ending of the movie to accomodate everything that I was able to get, and do. No longer does the creature come outside, nor do we actually see it. Which could be a good thing, or a bad thing, I guess we'll find out. But it's all wrapped up and now all I have to do is figure out some of the actors (Ivette and Griffin) and then I can continue getting ready for the shoot (whenever we get the weather...none of this snowy crap). I'm actually very excited to do this project, as it'll be the first time that I've done a story with an actual script. Hell, it's the first time I've ever done a script! I really would have liked Just Another Day to have worked out, but I don't think it will, too much man-power would be needed for that movie. I'd actually need a budget, too, and who wants that?

But yah, so the screenplay's done, and it looks to be about a 15-20 minute movie, which is pretty good. I just hope that I can translate it to video as good as I imagine I can (God, I wish I could film it). Well, here's to a bright future for 'Captive'.

::Feb 5th, 2003::
I am almost done adapting my brothers story 'Captive' to a screenplay that I can shoot later on. It's going to be trickier than I thought, with the ending needing some major re-thinking. I hope what I can come up with will be a fitting ending, and not destroy the original stories intention. Today was the first day that I was in the Class Historians for the Grad photo. It's going to be ROUGH work, and I'm kind of scared about the editing...hopefully, though, I'll be able to work it (especially with the tutorials I've been downloading from

I am unsure if I am going to draw up a storyboard, or just work from the Screenplay. I have the whole movie in my eyes, and I really want to start making the news program because I can make and edit that before we even come CLOSE to production of "Captive". Making a movie is really tough, and I'm sick of reading all of those bastards online arguing over which camera is better XL-1, GL-1 or 2, Sony's cam's...Panasonic's cams...God. I'm working with a Sony Mini-DV the size of one ass cheek, and I think (hope) I can get some decent results. It's going to be interesting seeing how this goes...and I'm still unsure of the actors, although I'm pretty positive that Dan would play the best Richard Thompson (he looks old, is tall enough, and is a good actor when he wants to). Filling in Ivette will be VERY hard, as I don't know many girls that are actually willing to act, and if they will, I don't know if they'll wanna act how I want them to. I am going to do MANY MANY MANY takes this time, hopefully get around 1-2 hours of raw footage, so I have LOTS of options to edit. I really want Trevor to fit in here, but I just don't see a role for him, unless he grows a few feet, and packs on a few (read: fifty) pounds. It sucks, too, he can act, and when he's with Dan, they can do lots (I'm reminded of the Detective Scene we did in Drama last year) of magic.

So Dan is probably a definate choice, and Kirsten Fiest would be my first choice (Ivette's role isn't very hard, and Kirsten looks the part perfectly), but I need a fat guy for Griffin...hmm... Also, damn! Who is going to do the voice of the darkness? And what is it going to sound like? Kiley can do some MAD voices, so he's probably a high contender...Gollem would be interesting...

But I have nothing else to say really, but I am quite excited about this project (moreso than Just Another Day which I am scared will never make it out of pre-production). If this can go to plan (the video quality is what I'm worried about, lighting, etc.) it would be a really neat short to show people. And would definately be a great addition to my portfolio (which contains nothing). Oh well...B-man out!-

::Feb 4th, 2003::
I am starting up a new website, and am trying to buy the domain name "", we'll have to see if anything comes of this, though.

::Archived News::
