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The Magical Alphabet's Page
And Other Stuff


Dragon-Amor.GIF (49452 bytes)

( Purr Smooch! Purr)

TRIAD.gif (44081 bytes)

Robin's Alphabet

Please Enjoy My Alphabets

The Rosicrucian Alphabet

Rosicruxian / Masonic?

NB: The Symbol For "W" Was Added To Fill The Blank Letter In

Rosicrucian Double Letters Set
Invented By Robin Taylor
Extension For Rosicrucian Set

To Be Used As A Space Saver When Writing
The Usual Rosicrucian Symbols.

These Two Below Are My Invention

Alphabet 1 To Try Alphabet 2 To Try

             B.O.S  Seal For Inside Covers   Dragon Magic Circle For Gems             

For Putting Inside B.O.SDragon Magic Circle Using Gems


This Is Interesting, To Be Written Inside The Cover
Of Your Book Of Shadows, Anyone Who Knows Why, Will
Understand, If You Not Know One Word I Say To You

Dragon Tree Of Life Correspondences     picture of me 

Tree Of Life Energy Points On A Dragon         

About Me Robin's
I Was Born/Hatched 17th May 1973 On Earth, In Brosley Near Ironbridge Telford,
First Found Dragonkind In 1979 But When I Was 17 My Other Life In The
Dreamland With Dragons, Stopped But Ever Since I Been Knocking At The
Temple Door.

I Appeal To All To Spread The Love Of Dragonkind I Now Appeal For
All Dragon Servants Of Light To Stop Being So Secretive,
I Understand There Are Times When This Is The Right Way,
But Now It Is Time To Give Freely Of Your Wisdom,
That More Can Feel The Love Of Dragonkind

Fraya For You
I Feel That A Human Male Can Be Bonded With A Female Dragon
And Visa Versa- In Loving Spiritual Light And Love -
If Taken In A Love Making Context, Without Lust,
I Agree, With This For Love In Something Between
Two Beings... Who Love And Care For One Another

What Is Disagree With Is The Wanton Lust, In a
Dragonic Way, For This Would Do Nobody Any Good

Take Away 2 Months 364 Days, Each Month 36 Days
Try That, I've Put All The Months As Your System
Might Demand That Differnt Months Are Removed
Than Others.

Please Tell Me What You Think Of This
System I've Tried Hard To Link With It

Dragon Months

Jan = Dragon Birth (11 A Dragon Begining ------- )
Feb = Dragon Home (12 A Dragons Home And Family )
Mar = Dragon Find (1 Month Of War And Peace -- )
Apr = Dragon Star (2 A Shining Dragon Guide -- )
May = Dragon Merry (3 Power Of Joy, Merryness - )
Jun = Dragon Rise (4 Power Of Sun Begins ----- )
Jul = Dragon Sun (5 Light Of The Sun -------- )
Aug = Sacred Dragon (6 Sacredness Of Love ------ )
Sep = Scales Shed (7 For A New Cycle --------- )
Oct = Dragons Hunt (8 Begins The Infinite ----- )
Nov = Dragon Power (9 Bulids The Power -------- )
Dec = Dragons Tide (10 Like Yule Or Xmas, ------ )

Month 01: As The Year Starts, This Month Is Saying That
All Energies Can Be Used For Either Use It's Up To The
Magic Worker To Make Her/His Own Choice Providing
"It Harm None"

Month 02: This Month The Dragon Guide Shines As The
Sun Starts To Become Fuller, Comfort,Love And Works
Of Birds And Bees Among All Races Begin..

Month 03: A Month Of Joy, Happyness, Merry Making
Dancing Sing, Enjoying The Sweetness And Ways,
Of The Dragons And Humans. Your Loved Ones, Also
The Dragons Get To Enjoy These Times Just As Much
As We Do.

Month 04: A Great Time For Magic Workings Of Light
Postive Magics Of Power, Involving Brightness Should
Work Well At This Time.

Month 05: A Time Of Great Power, This Month Is A Time
Of Enlightenment, Knowledge,Love,Peace Any Magics Done
Last Month, May Bare Fruit At This Time.

Month 06: A Time To Show Your Dragons, How Much You
Love Them In Your Own Special Way. This Is Really A
Time "To Make Them Purr" Also To Make Humans Happy,
I've Yet To Hear A Human Purr (Smile) I've Tried To
Purr, But It Makes My Voicebox Hurt. (Ow)

Month 07: A Time For Getting Rid Of All The Rubbish
You've Picked Up, EG: Bad Habits,Smoking, And All
Other Negative Energies. The Dragons Might Help
You To Do This, Ask Them Nicely What Have You Got
To Lose They Might Say "Yes" They Might Say "No".

Month 08: A Time For Building The Power Of Ever
Growing Love Also Making Strong Your Magic And
Love Of Dragonkind A Great Time For Strong Magic
If Used Correctly IE: With Love,Light,Peace,Affection,Truth

Month 09: Like The Last Month, But Great For Pyramid
Magic The Number 9 Is Powerful All Year But More So
At 9:09am/pm On 9th Day 9th Month Year Eg:2007 2+7=9,
You Can Also Apply This To Hours, Dates Anything You
Wish Providing It's Postive.

Month 10: Time For Dragons To Give Presents, Such As
Blowing Dreams And Knowledge Into The Ears Of Young
Children, And The Dragon Workers Whilst They Sleep.
In Some Cases The Dragon May Give Them A Passion For
Dragonkind That Lasts A Lifetime, Or More

Month 11: A Time Of Beginning For Dragon Worker,
The Term Dragon Birth, Can Mean The Birth Of The
Dragon Within The Magic Worker, The Birth Of Such
Might Mean She/He Has A Better And Stronger Life,
But Take Care With This Power Within, For The
Unwise May Destroy Themselves. With This Power
Best Advice Is To Ask The Dragons For Guidence
In Working With This Power, Worry Not If You
Are Wise You Should Be Safe.

Month 12: A Great Month For Families, Dragon Or
Otherwise Also A Good Time To Form, A Bond With
A Family Of Dragons. If They Like You They Might
Even Adopt You. But If They Do You Must Follow
The Ways Of The Home That Has Adopted You,
After All Humans Are Like Young Children To
Dragonkind. For Humanity Has Much To Evolve
In A Spiritual Way. It Will Take Time But We Will Evolve.