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This is Me, Myself and I at the tender age of 3!

18 years later....Nothing really changed eh?

Hey folk, yes I was getting too smart and the doctor had to take my wisdom teeth out during the holidays...and I know you guys are dying to see my new "chipmunk" look, so here it is!

My eternal love Edward Scott Coonrad

Well, babies, my advice to all, never get into a long-d relationship! Eddie and I have been together for a year and a half...long distance, we're VIPs with telephone companies, is it worth it? we will see...this is a pic we took recently at his favourite bar when I went down to visit him in Portland the past summer.

My family

Here is none the less my main man Michael Chang! I caught him in the practice court at the Du- Maurier Open in Montreal! Ahem..FYI he kept his head down the whole time..only twice he looked up AND he was looking at ME!!! :)

My Best Friend in the whole wide world -- Terrence

Montreal Trip Summer 1999

My beautiful Natalie

My partner in crime Natalie.(A.K.A. Batman and Robin...though we both think we're Batman). Here we are posing in front of my red 'Batmobile', getting ready to save the world once again!

Jona's summer trip to Ottawa

This is the girl, I've been through thick and thin with. From fake ID clubhopping days to "manipulative man eatting" games, we know each others darkest, deepest and dirtiest secrets....hope more memories to come

My favourite 'yellow' b-ball homie -- Ed Choi, together we kick a**!(Left Pic: eddie running in the marathon race held in Ottawa, I couldn't get up on time to cheer him on, so I there I put the pic up...Are you happy now Ed? =p)

My super star Eddie Choi

My Waterloo Honey Sherry!

My Fellow "Waterloo-sers" on Danny & John's B-Day night(L to R: Hyjin, Brian, John, me, Danny and Mark with Laurence on our laps)

My Evil Twin Alex Chan, I'm an official "hunnie" of --- The Alex Chan Corporation..haha

A face shot of ALex, P.S. Alex, you owe me for all this free advertisment and publicity

My "fiancee" Stevenson and I at my Semi-Formal. We're eachother's backup plans when we turn 30 and single and lonely! hahahaa

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