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How To Start A M.E.Ch.A.

How To Organize Your M.E.Ch.A. Chapter

How To Organize Your M.E.Ch.A. Chapter



*Faculty Advisors are chosen by the STUDENTS!

Officers and Committee Responsibilities:


1)    Keep committees focused

2)    Help out with what needs to be done

3)    Lead meetings


1)    Take notes at every meeting and file them

External Representatives:

1)    Have two (2) representatives (alternates) attend the Regional and Central meetings

Outreach Committee:

1)    Keep calendar of Raza events in the community.

2)    Develop contacts, information, and flyers of anything happening on campus and in the community.

3)    Write and send out letter to new incoming Raza students urging them to join your M.E.Ch.A.

4)    Write and send out letter to Raza parents informing them about the club and urging parent involvement.

5)    Submit a M.E.Ch.A. report to the school newspaper or develop your own newsletter.

6)    Develop contacts with all other Raza clubs within your organizing area and encourage them to become part of Central.

Financial Committee:

1)    Work with events committee to get ideas to raise money.

2)    Keep financial records

Events Committee:

1)    Have Raza orientation for incoming students to make them aware of what is available on campus.

2)    Put together cultural events for important dates on Raza calendar.

Education Committee:

1)    Have Raza self-education sessions at least once a month.

2)    Develop a bilingual peer tutoring program.

3)    Develop Academic Raza Counseling, gather and break down college requirements and information.

Policy / Administration Committee:

1)    Meet with administration on student concerns.

2)    Demand that Chicana and Chicano Studies be implemented in your school's corriculum.

Need Help?
Contact the Los Angeles County M.E.Ch.A. Central Communication Center!
Pasadena City College
1570 East Colorado Boulevard
Campus Center #203
Pasadena, CA 91160-2003
Office number: (626)585-7803
Pager number: (818)494-6761

