Intense Ministries

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Intense Ministries, Inc., is a body dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We want to reach out to the lost, hurting, and hungry souls that need to know of the love of Jesus.

Our Goal To fulfill Luke 4:18-19: To preach the gospel to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are downtrodden, to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord.

Tent Ministry Many times, people are reluctant to come to a traditional church, but they are willing to come to a tent. A tent is mobile, can be set up almost anywhere. Isaiah 4:5: "For over all the glory shall be a covering." We like to work with churches, rather than in competition with them, to bring the gospel to the lost. We can set up a tent near housing projects, college campuses, churches. We have a mobile barbecue smoker, and can feed people on site. We hope to add a sound system (public address system) soon.

Who is Intense Ministries? Intense Ministries is a non-profit organization, that seeks to help those in need, while spreading the gospel to the lost, healing the sick and broken-hearted, and feeding the hungry. Some churches don't have a tent to have an outreach ministry, and Intense Ministries joins these churches to build the kingdom of God.

Contacting Intense Ministries, Inc.
Intense Ministries
P O Box 693
Elizabethton, TN 37644-0693 USA
We welcome your e-mails, even if you have a different view than ours.

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Coming Soon!

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visitors as of 4/19/00

Last updated: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 3:26:16 PM by AWS