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1. Herbold, Jessica. From Dissociation to Reverie: A Theoretical and Clinical Model of Dissociation Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: the Sciences & Engineering. 61(12):6707. 2001 June

2. Georgakas, Dan. The Purple Rose of Keaton Cambridge UP. Cambridge, England; 130-39. 1997

3. Arizti, Barbara. Female Spectatorship in The Purple Rose of Cairo Rodopi. Amsterdam, Netherlands; 387-97. 1996

4. Stenberg, Douglas G.. Common Themes in Gogol's 'Nos' and Woody Allen's The Purple Rose of Cairo Literature-Film Quarterly. 19(2):109-13. 1991. Salisbury, MD

5. Troncale, J. C.. Illusion and Reality in Woody Allen's Double Film of The Purple Rose of Cairo Roy R. Charles Center, College of William and Mary. Williamsburg; 99-105. 1994

6. Barbieri, Marie E.. Metafiction in Don Quijote and The Purple Rose of Cairo: Three Characters in Search of Their Freedom Rla: Romance Languages Annual. 5:356-59. 1993. West Lafayette, IN

7. Friedman, Edward H.. Guerrillas in the Mist: Inscription and Mediation in Unamuno's Niebla Rla: Romance Languages Annual. 4:442-45. 1992. West Lafayette, IN

8. Munoz, Willy O.. Beyond the Copacabana: The Purple Rose of Cairo as Metafilm Romance Langs. Dept., Kent State Univ.. Kent, OH; 99-104. 1989

9. Downing, Crystal. Broadway Roses: Woody Allen's Romantic Inheritance Literature-Film Quarterly. 17(1):13-17. 1989. Salisbury, MD

10. Preussner, Arnold W.. Woody Allen's The Purple Rose of Cairo and the Genres of Comedy Literature-Film Quarterly. 16(1):39-43. 1988. Salisbury, MD

11. Dunne, Michael. Stardust Memories, The Purple Rose of Cairo, and the Tradition of Metafiction Film Criticism. 12(1):19-27. 1987 Fall. Meadville, PA

12. Saez, Jose Luis. Cine, sueno y realidad: Notas sobre La Rosa Purpura del Cairo de Woody Allen Cuadernos de Poetica. 4(11):37-44. 1987 Jan.-Apr.. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic




1. Irwin, Alec. Talking to the Animals Routledge. New York, NY; 147-62. 2001

2. Newman, Kim. Apocalypse Then Sight & Sound. 11(9):14-15. 2001 Sept

3. O'Hehir, Andrew. Gorilla Warfare Sight & Sound. 11(9):12-15. 2001 Sept

4. Argent, Daniel. Evolution: The Development of the Planet of the Apes (2001) Creative Screenwriting. 8(4):44-46. 2001 July-Aug

5. Argent, Daniel. Time and Destiny: William Broyles Creative Screenwriting. 8(4):39-43. 2001 July-Aug

6. McHugh, Susan Bridget. Horses in Blackface: Visualizing Race as Species Difference in Planet of the Apes South Atlantic Review. 65(2):40-72. 2000 Spring. Atlanta, GA

7. Greene, Eric. Slotnik, Richard (foreword). Planet of the Apes as American Myth: Race, Politics, and Popular Culture Wesleyan UP. Hanover, NH. 1998

8. Webb, Gordon C.. 30 Years Later: Rod Serling's Planet of the Apes Creative Screenwriting. 5(4):37-44. 1998 July-Aug. Washington, DC


1. Nesbet, Anne. In Borrowed Balloons: The Wizard of Oz and the History of Soviet Aviation Slavic & East European Journal. 45(1):80-95. 2001 Spring

2. Davis, Reid. What WOZ: Lost Objects, Repeat Viewings, and the Sissy Warrior Film Quarterly. 55(2):2-13. 2001-2002 Winter

3. The Politics of Oz: A Symposium South Dakota History. 31(2):146-68. 2001 Summer           

4. Erisman, Fred. L. Frank Baum and the American Political Tradition South Dakota History. 31(2):162-68. 2001 Summer

5. Koupal, Nancy Tystad. Add a Pinch of Biography: Seasoning the Populist Allegory Theory with History South Dakota History. 31(2):153-62. 2001 Summer

6. Gessel, Michael. The Wizard of Oz as Urban Legend South Dakota History. 31(2):146-53. 2001 Summer

7. Swartz, Mark Evans. Before the Rainbow: L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz on Stage and Screen to 1939 Johns Hopkins UP. Baltimore, MD. 2000

8. Raczynski, Cheryl Ann. Narrative Analysis of a Fairy Tale in Application to Relational Psychotherapy: A Critical Review Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: the Sciences & Engineering. 60(10):5232. 2000 Apr. Ann Arbor, MI

Dissertation Abstract Number
DA9948037. United States International U. 2000 Apr.

9. Gallardo-Torrano, Pedro. From Fantasy to Science Fiction: L. Frank Baum's the Oz Stories Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain; 459-64. 1997


Book Citation
Proceedings of the 20th International AEDEAN Conference. Guardia, P. (ed. and introd.); Stone, J. (ed. and introd.). x, 658 pp..

10. Bunch, Charles K.. Myth and Metaphor in Counseling, Background Concepts and Demonstration Using the Film The Wizard of Oz Dissertation Abstracts International, A (Humanities and Social Sciences). 61(5):1750. 2000 Nov. Ann Arbor, MI

11. Orestano, Francesca. Searching for the Author in the Land of Utopia: L. Frank Baum, from the American Middlewest to the Emerald City of Oz Longo. Ravenna, Italy; 179-85. 2000

Book Citation
Vite di utopia. Fortunati, Vita (ed. and introd.); Spinozzi, Paola (ed. and introd.). 335 pp..

12. Reiter, Sherry. The Wizard of Oz in the Land of the Id: A Bibliotherapy Approach Journal of Poetry Therapy. 1(3):149-56. 1988 Spring. PLACE UNKNOWN

13. Parker, David B.. The Fork in the Yellow Brick Road 49th Parallel: an Interdisciplinary Journal of North American Studies. 5:(no pagination). 2000 Spring. 2TT, England

14. Phillips, Anne K.. The Wizard of Oz in the Twentieth Century: Studying Baum's Masterwork Children's Literature: Annual of the Modern Language Association Division on Children's Literature & the Children's Liter. 28:245-48. 2000. Roanoke, VA

15. Wolstenholme, Susan. The Wonderful Wizards behind the Oz Wizard Syracuse University Library Associates Courier. 32:89-103. 1997. Syracuse, NY

16. Hamelman, Steven. The Deconstructive Search for Oz Literature-Film Quarterly. 28(4):312-19. 2000. Salisbury, MD

17. Puurtinen, Tiina. Tenor in Literary Translation Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. 6(2):159-73. 1998. S, Denmark

18. Gardner, Martin. Word Play in the L. Frank Baum Fantasies Word Ways: the Journal of Recreational Linguistics. 31(2):137-38. 1998 May. Morristown, NJ

19. Cochrane, Scott J.. The Wizard of Oz and Other Mythic Rites of Passage Paulist. New York, NY; 79-86. 1992

Image and Likeness: Religious Visions in American Film Classics. May, John R. (ed.). vi, 200 pp..

20. Meisenheimer, Donald Keith, Jr.. Uncovering the Unwestern: The Politics of Rootedness in Twentieth Century Western American Writing Dissertation Abstracts International, A (Humanities and Social Sciences). 60(6):2028. 1999 Dec. Ann Arbor, MI

21. Zornado, Joseph. Swaddling the Child in Children's Literature Children's Literature Association Quarterly. 22(3):105-12. 1997 Fall. San Marcos, TX

22. Friedman, Bonnie. Relinquishing Oz: Every Girl's Anti-Adventure Story U of Michigan P. Ann Arbor, MI; 41-59. 1996

The Movies: Texts, Receptions, Exposures. Goldstein, Laurence (ed.); Konigsberg, Ira (ed.). viii, 338 pp..

23. Paige, Linda Rohrer. Wearing the Red Shoes: Dorothy and the Power of the Female Imagination in The Wizard of Oz Journal of Popular Film & Television. 23(4):146-53. 1996 Winter. Bowling Green, OH

24. Ritter, Gretchen. Silver Slippers and a Golden Cap: L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Historical Memory in American Politics Journal of American Studies. 31(2):171-202. 1997 Aug. 4YG, England

25. Gilman, Todd S.. 'Aunt Em: Hate You! Hate Kansas! Taking the Dog. Dorothy': Conscious and Unconscious Desire in The Wizard of Oz Children's Literature Association Quarterly. 20(4):161-67. 1995-1996 Winter. San Marcos, TX

26. Mitrokhina, Xenia. The Land of Oz in the Land of the Soviets Children's Literature Association Quarterly. 21(4):183-88. 1996-1997 Winter. San Marcos, TX

27. Chaston, Joel D.. The 'Ozification' of American Children's Fantasy Films: The Blue Bird, Alice in Wonderland, and Jumanji Children's Literature Association Quarterly. 22(1):13-20. 1997 Spring. San Marcos, TX

28. Vinz, Mark. 'Where Did You Come From?': Of Traveling, Oz, and Home North Dakota Quarterly. 63(4):148-53. 1996 Fall. Grand Forks, ND

29. Groch, John R.. Corporate Reading, Corporate Writing: MGM and CBS in the Land of Oz Dissertation Abstracts International. 57(5):2103A. 1996 Nov. Ann Arbor, MI

DA9629659. U of Iowa. 1996 Nov.

30. Kim, Helen M.. Strategic Credulity: Oz as Mass Cultural Parable Cultural Critique. 33:213-33. 1996 Spring. Cary, NC

31. Swartz, Mark E.. Before the Rainbow: L. Frank Baum's 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' on Stage and Screen to 1939 Dissertation Abstracts International. 57(3):931A. 1996 Sept. Ann Arbor, MI

DA9621838. New York U. 1996 Sept.

32. Crane, Ralph J.. Like a Distant Drum Beating Loudly: The Exiled Pen of Salman Rushdie Crnle Reviews Journal. 2:11-18. 1993

33. Dietrich, Bryan. The Age of Baum: Toward a Semiosic Understanding of Child's-Tale-Turned-New-Nuclear-Parable Peter Lang. New York; Semiotics 1993. Corrington, Robert S. (ed.); Deely, John (ed.). xii, 612 pp..

34. Franson, J. Karl. From Vanity Fair to Emerald City: Baum's Debt to Bunyan Children's Literature: Annual of the Modern Language Association Division on Children's Literature & the Children's Liter. 23:91-114. 1995. New Haven, CT

35. Culver, Stuart. A Conversation about Haroun and the Sea of Stories: There's No Place Like Home: Salman Rushdie and the Myth of Oz Western Humanities Review. 49(4):317-22. 1995 Winter. Salt Lake City, UT

36. Zanger, Jules. Dorothy and Tarzan: Notes toward a Theory of National Fantasy Greenwood. New York; 81-87. 1994

Contours of the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Eighth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Langford, Michele K.. xiii, 232 pp..

37. Latham, Rob. There's No Place Like Home: Simulating Postmodern America in The Wizard of Oz and Blue Velvet Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. 1(4):49-58. 1988. Stow, OH

38. Walters, Karla. Seeking Home: Secularizing the Quest for the Celestial City in Little Women and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Mouton de Gruyter. Berlin; 153-71. 1994 Reform and Counterreform: Dialectics of the Word in Western Christianity since Luther. Hawley, John C. (ed. & afterword). x, 243 pp..

39. Reich, Angela. Re-Reading The Crying of Lot 49: A Note on the Oz Connection Pynchon Notes. 30-31:179-84. 1992 Spring-Fall. Eau Claire, WI

40. Puurtinen, Tina. Dynamic Style as a Parameter of Acceptability in Translated Children's Books Benjamins. Translation Studies: An Interdiscipline. Snell-Hornby, Mary (ed.); Pochhacker, Franz (ed.); Kaindl, Klaus (ed.). xii, 438 pp..