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Destroy These so called Dorkshire Dictators!

The above picture gives photographic evidence that Alex - the all powerful dictator that he claims to be, once spent time as a prisoner of my employer, who wishes only to be known as 'Mr M'.

This was during the days of Dorkshire's founding, when my employer commanded a vast army of loyal followers. Due to an unfortunate incident which shall not be discussed, Mr M was forced to flee the country. He has since returned, and has once more begun to build up his army.

I, Max Graves, as Mr M's loyal follower, have been given the task of discrediting these pitiful leaders, in order to weaken them for our final assault. It is to this end that I have created this website, to show the leaders in their true light, and to give you, the people of Dorkshire, the chance to show any evidence you may have that you are too scared to publish yourself.

Old news stories are now located here.
Click above to read the old news stories, such as Alex's hidden love for an old Arab, and Graham's Demonic parents.

Newest stories:

Max Graves is alive and well, and ready to continue the fight!
Yet again, the Dorkshire Dictators make false claims about killing members of the resistance - read about this bizzarre story by clicking above.

Alex injects his head with helium!
Read about this bizzarre new method of transport by clicking above.

Alex's War Years: The Reality.
Read the truth behind Alex's time in the Army - straight from the mouth of one of the soldiers he commanded.

Was Graham Murdered by the only man he could trust?
Mr M has new evidence that suggests this may be the case! Click above to see it.

Alex dressed only in a sheet with another man???
It's worrying, but true! Click above to see this disturbing photo.

This is a chain. Chains are possibly best known for having links. Click on the chain to go to my page of links you may find useful while fighting the Dorkshire Dictators.

More images will be posted as soon we have ensured the safety of those involved.

Please send all images to me, Max Graves, at Full confidentiality is guaranteed.

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