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(by Fran with the help of my friend, Dave Moffatt himself!)

Hi it's us, your boyfriend Dave and your friend, Fran! We welcome you to read this special feature of our lovable Moffatt, Scott Andrew! To settle the debate of all debate, here's Fran's favourite song mag Pure Jam exclusive about the TRUTH!!! As the saying goes, the truth is...(not out here) but it's finally HERE!!!!

Dave: HAH! You seen the pix on the net or in other magazines of Scott kissing a girl named Amelia or known as Lara.

Fran: Yes I know darling, every Moffatt fan knows about that Lara.

Dave: Well I have THE TRUTH behind this.

Fran: Really? Well name it! If that's really true...

Dave: Okay, okay. When I first saw the pic...

Fran: ....I burned it up! Oh! I mean, I tried to say to everybody who had the pic.

Dave: Oh shut up, you're like Scott always destructing me whenever I talk!

Fran: I'm sorry Dave, I'm just too carried away by our hot topic!

Dave: It's okay, so what happened when you tried to ask everyone?

Fran: Well, I found Scott kissy action pic on another site, and another, and another, and another and it's finally here!, it's everywhere!

Dave: You know Fran, when fans, especially Elvis' babes, saw it, they thought it was a publicity stunt and the girl was paid to...

Fran: ...Hey! Prostitute? Sorry Lara!

Dave: Eherm! do it for some reason. And come on!!!

Fran: What??!!

Dave: You can see my brother CLINT in the corner of the pic STARING at the two of them!!

Fran: So what?

Dave: Maybe the girl is really French and is very friendly to people she meets.

Fran: French??? No! I thought Lara's a German girl!

Dave: In that comic strip. Lara has another guy named Phillip.

Fran: So?

Dave: Scott's still single apparently.

Fran: Yah Sure!

Dave: You see my point?

Fran: Yah whatever!

Dave: Then WE came to tell the truth (us and the Pure Jam mag). And nothing but THE TRUTH!

Fran: Um to those who doesn't understand Dave's explanation, he's trying to tell us his point about the picture. He said a lot of things but there's only one sentence that sum up all of these words...

Dave: And what's that, may I ask?

Fran: That picture was FAKE!!!!

Dave: I know.... Hey! Fake? Fran are you sure? That's not exactly what I mean.

Fran: I saw it! If that's true, it's only a publicity stunt. So what? All you people, can't you see, can't you see? I wonder why Lara's b___ are so slant! I can also do that! An imitation of me and you kissing lips to lips.

Dave: Oh my! How?

Fran: Dave! Hello! It's almost yr. 2000! Every people can do that by today's technology.

Dave: Oh yeah...umm....that's what I'm trying to tell everyone!

Fran: Yeah right! Now, Scott lovers...GET WHAT I MEAN???

Dave: Hehe!

Fran: So, what does you feel about it? Calmed? Have you got a BIG SIGH after you read this? Did I helped you a lot?

Dave: Eherm.....

Fran: I mean did WE helped you a lot?

Dave: That's better

Fran: To all Filipino girls: Isn't it that it's better to let the other girls around the world know about the big truth? What about those crying Scott's lovers just because of this picture? We must HELP THEM! Let them know about THIS TRUTH!!!

Dave: You sounds like a politician Fran hehehehe!!!!!

Fran: Oh shut up!!

Pure Jam: No, you TWO shut up! ~Oh well, ENJOY YOURSELF! Moffatt friends!~