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Class: Liberator Class Heavy Cruiser
Manufacturer: Alliance Engineering Corp.
Crew: 6,539 crew, 2200 troops, 400 Gunners(standard config).
Length: 1800 meters
Speed: 19 mglt
Fighter Complement: 6 Squadrons
Weapons: 60 Turbolaser Batteries, 45 Ion Cannon Batteries, 10 Tractor Beam Projectors, 30 Quad Laser Cannons
Shield Rating: 3400 SBD
Hull Rating: 2188 RU 
The next step in NR millitary design.  The Liberator class Cruiser is a true acheivment for NR technicians.  Remarkbly fast and manuverable for a ship of its size, it is also well armed, heavily sheilded and carries a sophisticated sensor set up.  This ship is capable of combating numerous smaller ships at a time, and could take on an Imperial Star Destroyer and come out none the worse for wear.
Class: Dauntless Class Heavy Cruiser
Manufacturer:Alliance Engineering Corp.
Crew: 7756 crew , 2200 troops, 600 Gunners (standard config).
Length: 2400 meters
Speed: 18 mglt
Fighter Complement: 8 Squadrons
Weapons: 80 Turbolaser Batteries, 30 Turbolaser Cannons, 40 Ion Cannon Batteries, 30 Quad Laser Cannons
Shield Rating: 3900 SBD
Hull Rating: 2466 RU 
The Dauntless Class Cruiser is one of two new designs for the New Republic millitary. Untested in battle as of yet, these ships are more then capable of takeing on an ISD and defeating it with ease, the ships size, speed and weaponry still fit with NR policies of haveing a ship that can perform a variety of tasks with little diffuclty.  These ships are still a rarety within the New Republic millitary, but that will soon change as production steps up.  These ships are certain to be a mainstay of the New Republic for years to come.
Class: Bulwark Class Battle/Command Ship
Manufacturer: Alliance Engineering Corp.
Crew: 53,476 crew, 4300 troops, 1900 Gunners (standard config).
Length: 6500 meters
Speed: 15 mglt
Fighter Complement: 12 Squadrons
Weapons: 100 Turbolaser Batteries, 80 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 90 Ion Cannon Batteries, 100 Laser Cannons, 50 Quad Laser Cannons,  20 Warhead Launchers
Shield Rating: 5600 SBD
Hull Rating: 4478 RU 
After several devistating battles in which the supperior fire power of the Imperial Super Star Destroyers overwhelmed the forces of the New Republic, Alliance Engineers set about to give the New Republic an equalizer.  The Bulwark Class Battleship is the result, over 3 times the length of a standard New Republic cruiser, the Bulwark is brisstleing with weaponry and loaded down with figher craft.  These ships are the edge the New Republic has been seeking for sometime,  a ship that can and will hold its own against fleets who opperate under the theory that larger is better.  These ships have been in production for sometime 3 are now currently in service, with 5 more due to come online within the next year.