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My Snakes

Me and my Girlfriend together have four snakes. Gomez, my first snake, is a Red-Tailed Boa Constrictor. I acquired him last Christmas when he was a baby. He is now approx. 3.5 feet long, and has moved on to small rats. He is my favorite of my snakes (don't tell the others!). The second snake I got from working at the pet store. I had been there a few weeks and had fell in love with a baby Burmese. So here she is.....Little did I know (or had neglected to notice) That Morticia(cute name, isn’t?) had a respiratory infection! I took her to the vet, and when I got back I saw Gomez with a mouth full of Mucus! So, Morticia had given her new friend a cold. Two sick snakes. This was cured without much worry, and they are fine now.

I still continue to search for the rest of the Adams Family, but I am also a Dark Shadows fan. This leads to the last two snakes. Working at the Pet Store one day, I had recived a call. It was a lady asking if we bought snakes form people. I said no, but asked about it/them anyway. Turns out she was deathly afraid of snakes, and her friend (husband, boyfriend, whatever he was) had just been sent to jail. She wanted to get rid of them so he could have some money to get smokes or something absurd like that. Anyway, She was selling two Burmese Pythons, one 8.5 feet long, and the other 9.5 feet long. Both Male and Female! Also, she was giving me their cage and accessories.....For $50.!!! I couldn’t turn that down, and I didn't. Mandy(my girlfriend) and I each paid $25, so one snake is hers, and the other mine. I chose the larger, more aggressive, male snake, Barnabas. And she took the nice tame snake, Victoria. They both still need some work, as far as getting them used to being around people and being handled again....But I think this will come to pass without any problems.





Barnabas, the mean one....In his newly built home

Victoria And Barnabas