DRAGONBALL ELITE--> HUMOR--> Chao zu Saves the Day

Chao zu Saves the Day

One day on earth Goku was going outside and this little kid came up to him and kicked him in the nuts and then started running to his mom. Goku went up to his the little kid's mom and told her to tell her son to stop going aroung and kicking people in the place where it hurts. Goku left pissed off. Yamcha walked by the kid and the kid said, "Excuse me sir" Yamcha truns around and the next thing he knows is the kid's foot comming stait to his nuts. Yamcha screams and slaps the kid in the back of the head. Yamcha leaves and goes home with pain in his nuts. Chao-zu walk by after hearing all the screams from Yamcha. The kid kicks Chao-zu in the face instead of the nuts cause chao-zu is too short. Chao-zu gets pissed off and shoots a dodompa at the kid and kills the kid. The kid's mom kicks Chao-zu and Chao-zu leaves with pain but happy that he killed "The nut kicker."

From: One of our staff here at DRAGONBALL ELITE Fordtt