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Falling Objects and Projectile Motion

Chapter 3

I) Acceleration due to Gravity

  1. Falling objects
    1. Dropping an object

* vo = 0 m/s g = a = 10 m/s2

1) Velocity

velocity => v = vo + at

2) Distance

distance (vo = 0)

d = ½ at2

distance (vo does not equal 0)

d = vot + ½ at2


t =0 s d = 0 m v = 0 m/s



t = 1 s d = 5 m v = 10 m/s


t = 2s d = 20m v = 20 m/s



t = 3s d = 45m v = 30 m/s




B) Throwing an object downward

    1. Velocity
    2. v = vo + at

    3. Distance

d = vot + ½ at2

t = 0 d = 0 m v = 20 m/s

t = 1s d = 25m v = 30 m/s

t = 2s d = 60 m v = 40 m/s

t = 3s d = 105m v = 50 m/s

C) Throwing an object upward

    1. Velocity
    2. v = vo + at

    3. Distance

d = vot + ½ at2








t = 2s v = 0m/s d = 20m


t = 1s v = 10m/s t = 3s v = -10m/s

d = 15m d = 15m





t = 0s v = 20m/s t = 4s v = -20m/s

d = 0 d = 0

  1. Projectile Motion


v (horizontal)

v (vertical)

v (total)


A) Horizontal and Vertical Motion

    1. Horizontal motion
    2. a = 0 v is constant d same (equal time intervals)


      0s 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s


    3. Vertical motion (falling object)
    4. g = a = 10 m/s2 v increase with time d increase with time








    5. Combining Horizontal & Vertical Motion

Horizontal Velocity





Vertical Velocity




    1. Relationship of horizontal velocity and distance

Answer: All will hit the floor at the same time.

All three balls are subjected to the same vertical

velocity (a = 10 m/s2)



As the horizontal velocity increases, the horizontal distance increases










    1. Hitting a target (projectile motion)

Initial velocity

Launch Angle