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Disorders of the Female Reproductive System

I) Non-malignant Gynecologic Disorders

    1. Infectious Diseases
    1. Dysmenorrhea
    1. Endometriosis

D) Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy

E) Polycystic Ovary Disease

1) General

    1. Etiology
    1. Treatment

II) Malignant Gynecologic Disorders

    1. Carcinoma of the Cervix
    1. General
    1. Staging
    1. Symptoms
    1. Treatment

B) Endometrial Carcinoma

    1. General
    1. Staging
    1. Symptoms
    1. Treatment

III) Disorders of the Breast

A) Fibrocystic Breast Disease

B) Breast Cancer

1) General

2) Etiology

3) Diagnosis

4) Manifestations

    1. Prognosis

a) Staging

    1. 5-year survival rate

6) Treatment

    1. Tamoxifen Study

Tamoxifen and Breast Cancer:

  1. Genral Information
  1. Estrogen’s effects
  1. Post-menopausal Alternatives
  1. Tamoxifen
  1. The Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (BCPT)

Condition Placebo Tamoxifen

Non-invasive breast cancer 59 31

Invasive breast cancer 154 85

Bone fractures 71 47

endometrial cancer 14 33

pulmonary embolism 6 17

deep vein thrombosis 19 30

Heart disease 28 31

Deaths from breast cancer 6 3




Disorders of the Male Reproductive System

  1. Nonmalignant Male Reproductive Disorders

A) Disorders of the Prostate

    1. General
    1. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
    1. Prostatitis
  1. Malignant Male Reproductive Disorders

A) Prostatic Adenocarcinoma

    1. General
    1. Symptoms/Diagnosis
    1. Staging and Treatment

a) Staging

    1. Treatment

* Hormone manipulation, surgery, Radiation therapy