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Chapter 13

Introduction to Heredity


•      Inheritance

•    Transmission of traits from one generation to the next

•      Variation

•    Occurs as a result of the process of meiosis

•      Genetics

•    Study of heredity and hereditary variations

•      Genes

•    hereditary units

•    encodes the expression of a particular trait

Asexual vs Sexual Reproduction

•      Asexual Reproduction

•    “Like begets like”

•    single-celled eukaryote

•    some multicellular organisms (Hydra)

•    genetically identical to the parent (clone)


•      Sexual Reproduction

•    greater variation

•    offspring not genetically identical to either parent or to siblings

Overview of Meiosis


Introduction to Meiosis

Terminology and Process


•       diploid cell (2n)=> a cell with two sets of chromosomes.


•       haploid cell (n)=> a cell with one set of chromosomes.


•       conjugation=> bacterial gene transfer


•       gametes (germ cells)=> sperm and egg


•       gametogenesis=> meiosis + maturation




•      Meiosis: halves the chromosome number yielding four haploid cells.


•      Meiosis is preceded by an interphase in which the DNA replicates.


•      Two divisions of the genetic material.


•      First division

•    46 to 23 chromosomes (diploid to haploid)

•    reduction division

•    Meiosis I


•      Second division

•    4 cells from 2 cells

•    equational division

•    Meiosis II



Genetic Variation

•      Crossing over

•    genetic diversity

•    synpasis=>  when homologs line up next to each other.

•    alleles=> different forms of the same gene

•    homologs=> identical chromosomes (one from mother, one from father)


•        Independent Assortment

•    random arrangement of homologs



Mitosis vs Meiosis



•      Diploid to Diploid

•      Growth, Repair

•      Somatic Cells

•      1cell to 2 genetically identical cells

•      1 division


•      Diploid to Haploid

•      Sexual Reproduction

•      Germ Cells

•      1 cell to 4 genetically non-identical cells

•      2 divisions