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Chapter 21 - Blood Vessels and Circulation:

  1. Introduction

Fig. 21-1

II. The Anatomy of Blood Vessels

A. Structure of Vessel Walls

    1. Tunica Interna (Intima)
    1. Tunica Media
    1. Tunica Externa (Adventitia)
    1. Arteries vs. Veins

Fig. 21-2

veins often contain valves to prevent backflow

    1. Arteries

Fig. 21-3

    1. Elastic arteries
    1. Muscular Arteries


    1. Arterioles
    1. Capillaries
    1. Continuous Capillaries
    1. Fenestrated Capillaries
    1. Capillary Beds
    1. Veins
    1. Venules
    1. Medium-sized Veins
    1. Large Veins
    1. Venous Valves








III. Cardiovascular Physiology

    1. Pressure
    1. Resistance
    1. Vascular resistance
    1. Viscosity
    1. Turbulence
    1. Overview of Circulatory Pressures and Exchanges
    1. Fluid Compartments
    1. Intravascular
    2. Extracellular (Interstitial)
    3. Intracellular


blood vessel

    1. Capillary-Interstitial Fluid Dynamics
    1. Diffusion - movement from area of high to low concentrations
    2. Filtration - net flow of water due to effect of pressure
    3. Hydrostatic Pressure - fluid pressure
    4. Osmotic Pressure - pressure that accompanies a movement of water across a membrane
    5. Oncotic Pressure - pressure that results from a difference in protein concentration
    6. Normal capillary dynamics






IV. Cardiovascular Regulation

    1. Local Regulation
    1. Local Vasodilation (increase blood flow)
    1. Local Vasoconstrictors (decrease blood flow)
    1. Neural Regulation
    1. Vasomotor Centers (Sympathetic)
    1. Vasoconstriction
    1. Vasodilation
    1. Cardiac Centers
    1. Baroreceptors - monitor degree of stretch of vessel
    1. Chemoreceptors - monitor levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide or pH
    1. Hormonal Regulation
    1. ADH
    1. Angiotensin II
    1. Erythropoietin
    1. Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)