DEATH The end of the world is near....just wait and will all die....die i say..we're gonna all BURN IN F*CKING HELL!!!!

1999 predictions

End of the world according to the Seventh Day Adventist Literature.

End of the world according to the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Apocalyptic battle, followed by peace, as per a vision of Georg Washingtoing.

The height of the Anichrist's power, a terrible holocaust will occur according to astrologer Jeane Dixon (the Antichrist was claimed to be bored on Feb. 5, 1962)

Pole shift is believed to cuase natural disaster (earthquakes?), and WWIII. prediction made up the "Sleeping Prophet"

Yet again the end of the world, this time according to the linguist/credophile Charles Berlitz.

In Nov. this year Armageddon is to culminate with 'wholesale ovliteration' as forseen seen by Richard Kieninger in his book The Ultimate Frontier (hmm...sounds like fun to me...)

Dec. the Second Coming: Monte Kim Miller of the cult Concerned Christians clains he will die in Jerusalem and be resurrected 3 days later, (Aren't these psyco's just loveable?)

Dec. 31 The cult God's Salvation Church believes a nuclear holocaust will destroy Europe and Asia some time between October 1 and December 31 99 (now ain't that peachy??)

2000 predictions

The beginning of Christ's Millennium, according to the Mormons...(nooooooo comment)

New Jerusalem to descend from heavens.

19th century mystic Madame Helena Petrova Blavatsy, founder of Theosophy, foresaw the end of the world in 2000.

Ruth Montgomery predicts Earth's axis shifts and Antichrist will rveal himself in 2000.

The establishment of the Kindom of Heaven (???),

Second coming, followed by a New Age according to psychic Edgar Cayce.

Shoko Asahara claimed in 1992 that 90% of the world's population would be annihilated by nuclear, viological and/or chemical weapons by the year 2000.

Last Judgement

Christ's thousand-year reign would begin in 2000 (what is it with these bloody religious fanatics??).

May 17, 2000 Jesus returns in a spaceshit according to White Buffalo Calf Woman (ooooookk then...).

Sep 17, 2000,Second Coming according to many pyramidologist, based to their calculations on measurement of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

(AT LAST a good one...) In 1143 St. Malachy prophesied that there's only gonna be 112 more popes before the end of the world, we're up to the 110th so end of the world would be in the earily 12st century. This last pope will be maned Peter of Rome. (i really cannot wait..)

2001 predictions

When nothing apocalyptic happend in 2000 doomsayers will undoubtedly say that the REAL Millennium won't begin until Jan. 1, 2000. (hmm...interesting concept...)

Georges Barbarin (Pyramidologist) believes that Christ's Millennium will begin in 2001.

(something non-religious) "Space brothers" will land their UFOs near El Cajon, California, resulting in a new age.

Another pole shift prediction

Some group seem to think that the Bible says that the US will be totally destroyed before the end of Clinton's term (jan 20, 2001). Numerous Bible verses were used to "prove" this thesis (umm...NEXT!!!)

2003 predictions

In May 2003 Earth's rotation will stop for several days, after wich there will be a pole shift according to the Zetas (This is getting more and more SAD)

May 5, 2003 a UFO will pick up true believers(so is this before or after the earth stops spinning?)

Nov 29, 2003 Human race ball but wiped out by nuclear war between Oct 30 and Nov 29.

Other prediction dates

Major events in Auguest 199 lead to full-sclae war in 2000, followed by a rebirth from the ashes in 20047 according to Taoist prophet, (um excuse me..ASHES?? ashes my anus...)

2009: accorng to prophetess Lori Adile Toye, a series of Earth changes between 1992 and 2009 will cause my of the world to be submerged, and only 1/3 of America's populatoin will survive.

Dec 23. 2012: The end of the world according to the ancient Mayan calendar (A friend of mine pointed out that the dude making the dates could have just DIED you know!!....OR they could have just go bored of it...i mean if i had to sit there to make a calendar for god knows how long, i'd just go stuff that eventually)

Nov 13, 2026 According to an article published in Science magazine in 1960, this is the date that the world's population would reach infinty. (infinty huh?...welllll then..we'd better start screwing if we wanna make this prediction...)

2040 Pyramidologist Max Toth predicts the phistical reincarnation of Jesus Christ (he also used the dimensions of the Great Pyrimid's passageways to predict future events).

ca.4,500,000,000 AD the sun will sweel into a ret giant star, swallowing Mercury, Venus, Earth, perhaps Mars. This will be the true end of the world! (now i gotta stick around for THIS!!!)

You see, I have PROOF...we're all gonna go KAPUT!!!..f*cking fabulous!! I can't hardly wait!!!

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