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 Wednesday, March 05, 2003 Find  in   
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    Henrys In Thailand

April / May / June 2002 Prayer Letter
John Henry
Sep 09, 2002

April / May / June 2002

Dear Pastor and praying friends,

Greetings in the Name that's above every name from the Thai / Lao frontier.

RETURN TO THE FIELD: I finished my 4 months of fund raising for our Word of Life Radio program and some other needs, and returned to Thailand on April 23rd. It is great to be back home! It was a privilege to share our burden to reach the people of the closed and persecuted field of Communist Laos as well as the people of this area of free Northeast (Esan) Thailand by way of radio. During my time in the USA, I was able to present our needs to 24 new churches. Pray that a good number of them will pick our work up for support in the near future. We still need a bit more support.

RADIO MINISTRY: On 5 May we began broadcasting a 1 hour Sunday morning (5 to 6 AM) Word of Life Radio program over the Boarder Police Radio Station in nearby Udon. We did this for 2 months till an half hour (6 to 6:30 PM), 7 days a week time slot opened up on the Thai Post Office Station. We began broadcasting over the Thai Post Office Station on 20 June. The cost is higher than when were on in 2000 / 2001. The Thai Post Office Station is 16,000 Thai Baht per month which converts to $377.00 ($1.00 = 42.41 Baht at this time). In early June I sent Bros. Sombaht and Soontorn into Laos to survey the reception of some of Thai radio stations. They took a walkman to listen to and also asked about 20 Laotians what stations they picked up and liked best. They traveled 18 miles from Nong Kai to Vientiane, the Capitol of that Communist country, and could pick up all the stations from Nong Kai and Udon, Thailand. They then traveled another 18 miles due North deeper into Laos where they asked several Laotians which station they listen to most from Thailand. They all answered, "the Thai Post Office's Station in Udon." It was about that time that a time slot opened up on that station. Thank you all for praying that we get a good time slot. Now pray that the Lord uses the program to lead souls to Himself.

NEW FACILITY: Also in early June we have moved from Dragon Town into a larger city a few miles closer in to Nong Kai from there. The place is called Phon Phisai (pronounced: pon pea-sigh). It's just a few minutes from Dragon Town. A nice facility in an excellent location became available at a reasonable price. It needs a lot of painting and some repairs, but it is a good deal. It is a 3 story building near the Bus Station. It is in a very visible location. The cost is 4,000 Thai Baht ($94.33) a month. That may not sound like much, but it's a lot of money for us. Our building in Dragon Town was only 1,000 Baht ($23.58) a month. It has 5 good size rooms that can be used for Sunday School rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors, it has 3 large open areas, 1 on the ground floor, 1 on the 2nd floor and 1 on the 3rd floor, that can be used for the main services and fellowship.

SECOND QUARTER REPORT: Average Attendance: Our over all average attendance for all 3 locations for this Quarter was 43 per Sunday (Nong Kai: 14; Udon: 12; Phon Phisai: 17). Professions of Faith: There were a total of 22 professions of faith during this Quarter. Two received Christ as Saviour during May. On 12 May Mr. Tawatchai, 11 years old, asked Jesus to save him in Udon, and on 26 May Mr. Pow, 70 years old, also prayed and received Christ. Then in June we had twenty more professions of faith. Mr. Singha, 20 years old, made a profession of faith in the Nong Kai Church on the 9 of June, and Mr. Duang, 43 years old, trusted the Lord in a service at Udon. There were also 18 children between the ages of 8 and 12 who professed Christ in June during Sunday School hour. Bible Correspondence School: We processed a total of 113 lessons for 20 students during this Quarter.

MILD PERSECUTION: While I was still in the States someone shot into our house on April 19th. At first we thought it was with a gun, but now we think it was just a sling of some kind. The projectile was strong enough to go through glass and a plastic coated chart hanging on the window. We think the problem stemmed from our neighbors (Buddhist) blaming us (Christians), because a lady who lives behind us became demon possessed just before that. I got reports of Buddhist monks in front of our house in the wee hours of the morning trying to put a curse on us, plus someone has put chemicals on our plants to kill them several times when we were not home. Please pray that we might have opportunity to expose such false ideas and teach the Truth.

"Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you." (2 Thess 3:1)

Yours for Thai & Laotian Souls,

John Henry



Emmanuel Baptist Church

Pastor Tim Jones

Irving, Texas 75060

Phone: 972-554-7729


Word Baptist Church

P. O. Box 40

Nong Kai 43000 Thailand

"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name EMMANUEL, which being interpreted is, God with us." (Matthew 1:23)

"And the WORD was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." (John 1:14)


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"But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." (Matt 9:36-38)

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