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"As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country."
Proverbs 25:25

July / August 2000

Dear praying friends,

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Greetings in the Name that is above every name.


Urgent Need For Radio Ministry: Pastor Sombaht passed his radio announcer test and has received his license. Now we can move ahead with buying radio time to get the Gospel into the Capitol of Communist Laos and this area of Northeast Thailand. We purchased all the equipment to make tapes over a year ago and Sombaht is now stockpiling tapes. There are only 3 stations in the area and the Thai Navy Station is the best deal. Their signal reaches into Vientiane, the capitol of Laos, which is only about 20 miles from Nong Kai, and into four Thai provincial capitols, Nong Kai, Udon, Loui, and Nong Bua Lumpu, a potential listening audience of at least 2,000,000!!! (See reverse of this letter) But we don't have a cent to pay for the radio time which is $355 a month, but we are moving on faith. Lord willing, we will begin broadcasting of 1 October. Please put this ministry to a closed field on your prayer list. Pray that God will burden soul conscious mission minded pastor's and churches to help!!!

Ministry to those on probation: Sombaht and I volunteered to help the Justice Department in their new program to probationers. We should know if it is going to be approved in September. If approved, we will visit them privately and they will be required to meet with us in a group monthly. Please pray with us concerning a possible new ministry to probationers.

Please also keep Som and Song’s home Schooling on your prayer list.


We moved from Chaiyaphum in mid February. We had been averaging in the 40's and 50’s there in the months before we left. We had taken care of Bro Dennis Catlin's work for him for a year while he was on furlough till he returned in July 1999. Brother Sombaht and I felt it would be better if I were near him so we could begin two new works here near the Laotian boarder. So I left the work in Chaiyaphum in the able hands of Bros. Oothai and Dennis. Please keep them and the Chaiyaphum Church on your prayer list.

We have lead 20 souls to the Lord Jesus Christ during the first half of 2000 (1 January to 30 June).

The average church attendance for the first 4 months for all three of our works from 1 March to 30 June were: Word Baptist in Noon Sawan: 13, Word Baptist in Udon: 8, and Word Baptist in Nong Kai: 5.


High Days: On Saturday, July 8th, we had 21 in Nong Kai. There were 6 men, 9 ladies, 4 are teens, and 2 children. All were members except for the 2 little ones. Then on Saturday August 5th we had 18, again in Nong Kai. We had 4 teenage visitors in this special service. There were 5 men, 5 ladies, and 8 teens. All 3 works come together for these monthly for these special services.

Average Attendance For July / August: Noon Sawan averaged 9, Nong Kai 8, Udon 7.

On July 9th here in Udon a man named Joy received Christ. His salvation was evident to all of us.

Yours for Thai and Laotian Souls,
John Henry

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"But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." (Matthew 9:36-38)