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September / October 1999

Dear Pastor and praying friends,

Greetings in the Name that is above every name from Thailand.

God has been blessing the work here in Chaiyaphum greatly! We have had several saved and several added to the church by baptism lately, and our church attendance has never been higher. We are excited about what God is doing! Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!

E-mail List For Thais And Prayer Partners:
Pastor, if you have e-mail, please, send me your address and I will put you on my "Henrys In Thailand E-news" list. I periodically send out updates on our work and prayer requests. I also have an e-ministry in the Thai language for Thai people. If you know of any Thai people with computers, please let them know that they are welcome to join this Bible teaching list. We are ready to answer any Bible questions they might have. Have them contact me, in the Thai language, and I will put them on this e-list. Tell them it's FREE! Let your members know about these two lists also! (My e-mail address is: )

The Ministry In Chaiyaphum During This Report Period:
Eight were saved during this report period! Seven were baptized. Average Sunday morning attendance was: 43 (Adults: 16, Teens: 3, Kids: 24). Average Sunday evening attendance: 29 (Adults: 12, Teens: 3, Kids: 14). Average Wednesday night attendance: 30 (Adults: 12, Teens: 3, Kids: 15). High day: Sunday morning, 26 September: 51.

The Ministry In Nong Kai During This Report Period:
Average attendance: 10 (Adults: 7, Teens: 1, Kids: 2). When I visited Word Baptist on October 17th we had 13 in the service. I preached on the war within us between our new nature and our sin nature. Keep Pastor Sombaht and his wife, Oie, in your daily prayers. They sometimes feel discouraged because of the seeming lack of fruit.

Esan Baptist Bible Institute:
The Correspondence school is really growing: During August 73 lessons were graded, during September 135 lessons, and in October there were 200. My preacher seminar for September was on the Lord's Supper. Sombaht and Oothai both did good. They are fine learners, good preachers, and very concerned for Thai soul!

Prayer Request:
1) Please continue to pray for Som and Song's schooling. Sue has her hands full to overflowing with teaching them (English is not Sue's native language and it is difficult for her). 2) Pray for our finances. Government fees, postage, etc. are going up here. Pray that we find ways of getting our funds into the country in case of Y2K problems. 3) Pray for the works (Word Baptist, Chaiyaphum Baptist, Bible teaching ministries, Prison Ministry, Radio Ministry)! 4) Sometime in the months to come we will be organizing the Church here in Chaiyaphum. Pray about that too! 5) We are planning on moving closer to the Nong Kai work sometime after the organization. Pray about the when and where of that. Again thank you so much for your prayers!!!

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. (Col 3:17)

John Henry 1