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[an error occurred while processing this directive] May / June 1999

Dear praying friends,

Greetings in the Name that is above every name from Thailand. Sue and I send our warm greetings to our friends, and prayer partners.


Church Attendance: Word Baptist Church Sunday attendance was 13 (adults: 8, teens: 2, kids: 3). Chaiyaphum Baptist Church Sunday attendance was 16 (adults: 6, teens: 1, kids: 9).

Special Services: Street preaching services in Chaiyaphum on the 25th (John), 26th (Oothai), 27th (Sombaht) of May and again on the 29th (Oothai), 30th (Sombaht) of June. Village Preaching in Sgt. Piilom's village, Chelongdie, on 15 May (John) and 12 June (John).

Salvations: Mrs. Garuana and her daughter Fong, Mr. Sanalin (43), Mr. Poon (11), Mr. Not (12), and 18 in the village of Chelongdie (2 ladies and 16 children). Bro. Sombaht lead a man to Christ who was visiting on of the members in Nong Kai. We also had 2 professions of faith through the correspondence school. So we had a total of 26 professions of faith in May and June.

Bible Institute: From the 25th to the 27th of May Sombaht and I taught a seminar on The Works Of Darkness (spiritism, idolatry etc.). We had 7 for that. Oothai processed 86 correspondence lessons, and issued 7 certificates to students who completed courses during this report period.


1. Bro. Oothai has this prayer need: "Please pray for my home village. I want to use the small public library there to hold services for teenagers. The drug problem in my village is getting very bad. I want to win them to the Lord and help them." Please keep Oothai on your daily prayer list.
2. Pray for my fellow missionary, Dennis Catlin, and his family. They are due back from furlough on 1 July. I am sure they will be glad to get back here to Chaiyaphum. We are all moved out of their house and into our new place now.
3. Pray for funds for land and a church building for the work here in Chaiyaphum. Bro. Catlin has raised several thousand dollars already and has a professional building contractor who will come over to do the construction work for free.
4. Please keep the members of Chaiyaphum Baptist and Word Baptist in Nong Kai on your prayer lists.
5. We are planning to ordain Bro Sombaht on 14 July. Please pray about that special service and keep Sombaht on your daily prayer list.
6. Please keep our daughter's, Som and Song's, home schooling on your prayer list.
7. Pray that we might win many to the Lord here and train them up in the Word of God!

We thank you so much for your prayer support. The Lord will richly bless you for your concern for Thai souls and World Missions!


John Henry

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Proverbs 25:25: "As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country."

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"But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. 37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; 38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." (Matthew 9:36-38)