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January / February 1999 Prayer Letter

Dear praying friends,

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       1998 In Review:

       Furlough:  Our family spent the first 7 months of last year in the States reporting to 
       churches, and raising support.  We reported to 47 churches in 7 states. We had a 
       few new churches take us on for support, and several that said they would, but haven't 
       yet.  We have never used any of the support that we received for family support.  I 
       have been a missionary for 11 years now and have always used my U.S. Air Force 
       retirement pay as family support.  However, the work funds are still lagging.  We are 
       in the process of starting a radio ministry and would like to do more for the Lord here 
       in Thailand.  If we reported our work there at your church, please pray about taking 
       us on for support.  There is no field more needy than Thailand and Laos!    

       Back On The Field:  We spent the last 5 months of 1998 here in Thailand.  During that 
       time we have been used of the Lord to lead 38 Thai people to Christ.  I taught 2 
       preachers and a few others in our monthly 3 day Bible Seminar 4 times in 1998 (Soul 
       Winning, Israel, Dispensations, The Incarnation of Christ). Sue taught her weekly Kid's 
       Bible Club faithfully, and Brother Oothai processed lessons for over 50 Bible 
       correspondence students. I also made 5 trips to Lao boarder to visit the members of 
       our mission church there, and to preach.  Sombaht is doing a fine job there.     

       The Ministry During January and February 1999:

       Word Baptist Church:  Bro. Sombaht reports 1 Baptism.  Sunday attendance was 20 
       (adults: 12, teens: 4, kids: 4).  Wednesday attendance was 10 (adults: 6, teens: 2, 
       kids: 2)
       Chaiyaphum Baptist Church:  One teenager, Benz (age 15), was saved on 13 
       February. Sunday attendance was 16 (adults: 7, teens: 2, kids: 7).  Wednesday 
       attendance was 13 (adults: 6, teens: 1, kids: 6)  Oothai's preaching is great!  Sue's 
       Thursday Bible Club averaged 9 (7 kids and 2 teens).   

       Bible Institute:  In our 3 day Bible seminar in January we studied the Doctrine of 
       Salvation, and in February we did a Survey of Revelation.  In addition to Sombaht and 
       Oothai we had 3 additional preachers from Korat and extreme southern Thailand 
       making 5, plus their wives and others for the Survey of the Book of Revelation.   Oothai 
       issued 3 certificates of completion to students completing correspondence courses.

       Proposed New Ministries:

       New Radio Ministry:  We are now waiting on Sombaht's program producer test results.  
       Please keep this item on your prayer list, and also concerning finances and that we get 
       a good time slot.  Getting this ministry off the ground is more difficult than we thought.  
       But when Sombaht gets his License we believe we will begin to fly!   Pray much that 
       support comes in for this ministry!!! 

       Prison Ministry:   We tried to get permission to go into the Chaiyaphum prison for the 
       9th of December last year,  but were denied due to construction going on,  and now 
       they say that it is to dangerous, but we can take tracts and reading materials in.  We 
       will continue to try to get into the prison.  We would like to do one service a month.  
       Please pray to this end!

                      Blessings in the Lamb,
                     John Henry

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Proverbs 25:25: "As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country."

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