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Kevin's Good Stuff Yo!

Hello, my name is Kevin. Okay so I never updated. Well I'll stop being lazy as soon as you people start signing the damn guestbook. I don't have many entries. You may think I'm lazy but who're the one's not SIGNING THE GUESTBOOK! So =Þ

Contact me with AIM SN: XDarkGrahf
ICQ#: 23834601

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

Have fun looking around the rest of my site

My Sephiroth Shrine- The bestest evil guy around, Sephiroth!
My Midi section- Some video game and R&B midi's
Dragonball Z/GT picture gallery
The evil guy section-Pics of some cool evil guys
My links
Put my stupid ass banner on your page or somethin
