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                                                                      written by Iceblade 3-4-2000

          Red Mages are strange indeed, drawing upon both the dark and the good sides of the magics. Red mages are slow to anger, but not sissies.  They can heal themselves and others, as well as dish out damage.  Though Red Mages can heal themselves, they aren't specialized within that aspect of magic.  They tend to make their attacking magics stronger, to do more damage then they recieve. They are the second line of warfare, backing up the
BattleMages.  They heal comrades, and decimate foes.  They are a great ally to have.
          Though Red Mages can be extremely powerful in magics, as they grow in magical attack strength, their physical strength weakens.  If a person chooses this rough path, they will be deeply rewarded for what they loose.
          Red Mages may choose to wield a sword or such, but most carry spears, which could double for a staff if need be. Armor is medium guage, not too heavy, for most have faith in their abilities of healing magics.  Most Red Mages are very strong at the start, so what they lack magically, they can make up physically.  Therefore, most have large broadswords, and thick breast plates.
           Red Mages usually start training at a very young age since they have to learn two different kinds of magic.  They spend most of their time reading arcane books to further amplify their magical knowledge. Red Mages are known to pick a favorite spell and stick to it, like a Black Mage, but won't stay strictly in that one discipline.
           Due to the demands of training, They MUST have  an Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, and Constitution score of NO LESSthen 15 each.

           At Level 3 a Red mage learns how to cast spells without their hands.   This allows a mage to cast spells even though their hands are busy, though it takes -1 away from your attack roll.
           At Level 4 Red Mages get the chance to earn a weapon called Neo Neuromancer.
                                                                                               (explained below)
           At Level 6, Red mages learn to double their attack/defend power. This allows them to attack any enemy within melee range of them easier for a limited time, for they gain a +2 to  hit/defend for 3 rounds.
           At Level 7, red mages get the chance to earn the Staff of the Fallen.
                                                                                 (explained below)
           At Level 10, red mages learn to cast two spells at once, for the price of one spell.  This allows a Red mage to cast a devestating attack spell, and a much needed healing spell. Two healing spells, or two attacking spells. Upon reaching Level 10, Red mages get the chance to earn the right to weild the Sword of Chaos. If they gain all three of the weapons, and master them all, they have the chance to gain a fourth weapon.
                                                                              (explained below)

           Four of the most powerful weapons a Red Mage could get their greedy little hands on are the Gauntlets of Neo Nueromancer, the Staff of the Fallen, Sword of Chaos, and  Armageddon.
           The Gauntlets of Neo Neuromancer can allow you to focus your energies to hitting the most easily destroyed part of any opponent, the mind. Spinal tap, the term used to define  the spell's effect, shuts off all nervous system activity from the neck down if the spell is successful.  The power of the gauntlets is a hard one to master, due to it's lack of  complete control. The spinal tap ability has two forms, Stun which only drains 3 mp, and
paralyze, which drains 9 mp. Stun merely does as it emplies.  Paralyze makes it impossible to think or move for a limited amount of time, 3 rounds.
            The Staff of the Fallen is a rare item indeed.  Given to only the most worthy of Red Mages. The Staff of the Fallen is in fact, a power amplifier. When used in conjunction with the Gauntlets of Neo Neuromancer, the staff can be a truly devestating weapon indeed, to the extent that's it most powerful attack is called Chaos Device. Chaos device sucks up 9mp for one massive maelstrom of energies.  The staff itself wraps itself around the mage like a symbiotic suit, then sends out three repetitive shockwaves, each being of a differentpower.  The first is of pressure, second of fire, third of necromatic decay.  Each wave takes a round to charge, so most Mages make sure they have the life to do this. When used  alone, the staff is a completely different weapon than if paired with the Gauntlets.  It's power is drastically different, as in it's a highly unstable weapon.  Once it's ways are mastered, it can be even more devestating than most Red Mages care to be.  It feeds off of  your life force to create one large massive explosion of energy, which will set nearly anything on fire. The drain taps 6 Lp each blast. Though this happens, Red mages may also  make it drain off an opponent's life force instead, but this is risky in as if it fails, it'll hurt the mage by 12 Lp.
            The Sword of Chaos, a rare weapon indeed.  It's very nature is dark.  It's power is held  within the runes in it's blood groove.  Its long 6 foot length makes it a formidable weapon. For Red Mages, the sword is light as a feather, no matter what the physical strength of the mage. Its blade always glows in a faint red mist, which is necromatic in nature.  Being cut  with the blade causes intense pain as the flesh around the damaged area, slowly dies.  Its power can be channeled into a large wave called "Rift of Rage". It taxes 9 mp, and 9 strength points, the SP returns after 3 rounds. It's a physically taxing attack, but extremely powerful.  The sword's blade explodes into a brilliant light....a large red blade of light remains...which turns into a large beam of necromatic energy.  The attack can only be used  when at a high power level, such as when the mage is in the beginning of the fight, or has
fully healed his or her self. Some may call this a waste of time to get.  But the Sword of Chaos cuts damage received by 1/2.  Though it taps magic when it does. It uses 3 mp each sucessful damage reduction.  Power comes at a price with this weapon.
                Armageddon is a strange weapon. Very few have been able to gain this prized weapon, yet once obtained  it can never be taken, not even from the dead corpse of a mage, unless  through a ceremony (described alittle below). This weapon remains with the mage forever. It allows the wearer to carry all three of the weapons at once. Armageddon consists of a wrist brace, a chest plate, and a collar. The brace will lock the Sword of Chaos into grasp. It removes the physical strain of Rift of Rage, at the cost of 6 mp. If all three weapons are  locked into place, Armageddon creates a shield of mist around the mage, cutting damage down further by 1/2, at the price of 6mp per successful block. The collar allows spells to be enhanced by +9 damage if cast successfully without any modifiers. The chest plate is just armor. The Staff of the Fallen is absorbed by Armageddon, though it's powers are not, they are enhanced by two times with Armageddon. The guantlets of Neo Nueromancer are forged into one gauntlet, doubling it's power, and making it easier to have.  As the mage sustains damage, Armageddon charges a little bit with the energy of the attack.  Upon reaching critical life, the mage can forfeit Armageddon (for the rest ofthe battle) for full life, but not full magic. Helpful in those dire situations.  The cost of doing so is 9 mp.
               Armageddon is transferred from a dead mage to the living through a ceremony, the details of the ceremony are confidential, only the Guildmaster knows the ceremony.
               Armageddon's origins have been lost through the course of history, lost in the Tomb of Power.
               Red Mages are very strange in that they seem to have infinite patience for ignorance.  But they have a wrath that would ill need be set upon anyone.  Red Mages are generally  mild mannered, supportive persons.  They uplift spirits, make people smile. They are everyone's best friend.  Red mages will try their best to keep their friends out of trouble, while watching their backs at the same time.
                Red Mages are sought after for advice, since Red Mages spend most of their time reading.  Red mages are usually the ones who systematically break things down, even in  war.  They break down the plans of the Battlemages for other soldiers, so no one knows everything in battle. They keep written records of battles, in order to find their own faults.  Red Mages are very critical about themselves, always trying to do everything better, but do not obsess about things.
                Seasoned Red Mages are known to be able to take on powerful creatures that other mages couldn't, because of their ability to heal themselves and fight at the same time.  This ability is a lifesaver sometimes. Though being a Red Mage is demanding both mentally and physically, they are very powerful.
                 Race restrictions are: dragons (too powerful) and Unicorns (need hands, not hooves).
                 Spells include :  Rage, Hell Razor (Restricted to 6th level and above), Hell Raiser (restricted to Experts only) Heal Critical wounds, Heal Mild wounds, Heal Moderate wounds, Detect magic, Rift of Rage, Spinal Tap, Chaos Device.


                                     My Script-by Me

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