My Mind ~Vanessa

Well this is my page. Its probably a bit boring. But that might be due to the fact that... Well I have absolutely no idea what I am doing! But then again that's half the fun of it!! Plus I get to drag you down with the Strange and Insane things I happen to do.

Life in a Suburb

One cold blizardy day in December, a sweet beautiful girl was born. The mother was worried that the doctor would be unable to come deliver this child. Luckily he made it and she was born on Pearl Harbor Day ontop of a waterbed. Ok, Ok... I know what your thinking... this gal is crazy... but hey! Ya got to love it! Plus its true! Kay, so I lived the first six years of my life (give or take) in a lovely apartment on the South Side of Chicago. Then we decided to move to a S/W burb called Evergreen Park. Which just happens to be home of the lovely una-bomber!!! woo hoo! So there I have lived... In my little house... with my little tree in front... with my mom, my brother, the three bears, and some aliens that I am hiding in the basement. Ok.... the thing bout the bears is not quite true... but you cant disprove the alien thing! So sit back... its going to be a very very bumpy ride.

Here is a cerificate of my purity... not too low is it?
although this was a new test i had never tried..
go ahead an take it if you want and tell me your results!

Well I just got a new virtual pet! Her name is SexyKiwi! Isnt she cute! You can click on her if you want to get a virutal pet! They have all kinds of cool species, but i like tigers! They even have a dragon! Although I am already addicted! You can also feel free to e-mail me bout your new pet!
sexynessa21 got their NeoPet at

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Kay here are some sites I think are swell.

Nessa's virtual Diary? or something like that
Diary cont.
Strong Bad's E-mail. IT ROCKS!
Local Chicago band! Called Maggie Speaks. They are really good.
A place to go while bored.
Here is a page with intresting things to do with everyday objects.
My page of pictures... still workin on it... dont worry!
