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The 5th/7th Bn (Mechanized) The Royal Australian Regiment

"A Mechanized Battalion has the capacity of three Infantry Battalions..." Lt Col M.P. Blake MC


On 3 Dec 1973, 5 RAR and 7 RAR were linked to form 5/7 RAR. Officers, NCOs and soldiers from the two battalions were drawn to form the new battalion. The 5 RAR mascot, the Sumatran tiger SGT Quintus, and the Pipes and Drums of 7 RAR were adopted by the Battalion.

During Lieutenant Colonel Greenhalgh's tour as CO, the structure of the Australian infantry battalion was altered to three companies. In the other battalions of the RAR, D Coy was made the training company, with the exception of 6 RAR and 5/7 RAR. 6 RAR retained D Coy due to the citation for the battle of Long Tan. 5/7 RAR retained D Coy because Lieutenant Colonel Greenhalgh was the Company Commander of D Coy 5 RAR during its first tour of Vietnam. He did not want to disband his old company and as a result he disbanded A Coy.

In 1976, 5/7 RAR began its two year mechanized infantry trial. The trial was sponsored by Field Force Command and directed by HQ 1 TF to counter the problem that the Regiment lacked organic mobility. Between April and June 1976 the Battalion sent selected officers and soldiers to the School of Armour for training as instructors. On return to 5/7 RAR they joined the training company and were supplemented by instructors from 2 Cav Regt

At the end of the mechanization trials it was decided that 5/7 RAR would keep only one of its companies mounted. D Coy was the first company, holding the capability for only twelve months so that a rotation between companies could occur. This rotation ensured the even distribution of mech skills.

In November 1983 a second mechanized company was raised and in June 1984 full mechanization was approved. Since mechanization the Battalion has forged a strong working relationship with 1 Armd Regt (Tk) and 2 Cav Regt (Recon). Numerous combined arms exercises have been conducted in an attempt to fully develop the mechanized doctrine of the Battalion and 1 Bde.

In 1993 the Battalion deployed two companies to RCB Malaysia, back to back. During B Coy' s rotation in Malaysia five soldiers were killed in an accident between their truck and a bus at Kota Tinggi after conducting training at Pulada. A memorial stone is located at the Battalion Memorial.

The Battalion relocated from Holsworthy to Darwin in early 1999. Later that year, the Battalion was called upon to deploy to East Timor on operations. After brief but thorough preparations, the unit deployed to East Timor on in Oct 1999. The initial operation was under the Australian force entitled INTERFET (International Force in East Timor). The title of the deployment changed to UNTAET when the UN assumed command later in the operation. After a 7 month tour the Battalion made ready to redeploy to Australia, and after conducting a handover on ANZAC day 2000, the unit redeployed to Australia.

The Battalion Main Body deployed on its second tour of East Timor on 13 Oct 02. The Battalion assumed the role of AUSBATT VII from 3 RAR (AUSBATT VI) on 25 Oct 02. The deployment was OP CITADEL as part of The United Nations Mission In Support of East Timor (UNMISET). The Battalion handed over to 1 RAR on 20 May 03.

The Battalion deployed a number of personnel to Iraq as a part of OP CATALYST in May 2004. These soldiers were deployed to serve as the ongoing security detachment at the Australian embassy in Iraq. A component also deployed to train the new Iraqi Army, as a part of the coalition force CMATT.

On 03 Dec 2006, the Battalion Birthday, the formal unlinking of 5/7 RAR took place as part of plans to expand the Australian Army and increase capability.


On the 3 Dec 03 The Battalion was presented with a new set of Colours. These Colours differ from the original Colours as they represent the linked Battalion (5/7 RAR)rather than the original 5 RAR and 7 RAR. They also have the Australian National Flag in place of the Union Jack of the old Queens Colours.

The Queen' s and Regimental Colours of 5 RAR and 7 RAR, where the last in the Regiment with the 'Union Jack' Queens Colours and laid up in the Garrison Chapel at Kapooka.


5/7 RAR adopted the Sumatran Tiger Quintus as the battalion Mascot. Previously Quintus was the mascot of 5 RAR. Quintus reached the rank of Warrant Officer Class Two, before his retirement due to old age in 1985, and his subsequent death in Jun 1986 at Taronga Park Zoo. On the retirement of Quintus, another tiger aptly named Quintus Secondus was adopted by the battalion. Quintus Secundus remainded the mascot until the Battalion moved to Darwin in 1999 and was discharged at this time. The Tiger Battalion was without a mascot until a new mascot, Quintus Septimus was enlisted on the 3 Dec 03.

Quintus Septimus, a Sumatran Tiger, resides at Crocadylus Park in Darwin and is paraded whenever possible in the comfort of a vehicle mounted cage.

'Willy' a large feral pig has resided in the battalion since 1987 and represents the link to 7 RAR. Willis is named after SGT Dave Willis, BEM, who served with 7 RAR, including the second tour of Vietnam, and subsequently with 5/7 RAR. Sadly 'Willis' passed away due to ill health in 1998.


The Welsh Guards- 5RAR
The Highlanders(Seaforths, Gordons, Camerons)- 7RAR

Battalion Quick Marches

Dominique- 5RAR
Cock 'o' North- 7RAR

Battalion Slow Marches

Men of Harlech- 5RAR
My Home- 7RAR

Battalion Retreat

Heights of Dargai

Company Marches

A Coy- Black Bear
B Coy- Brown Haired Maiden
C Coy- Glendaruel Highlanders
D Coy- Barren Rocks Of Aden
Spt Coy- Bonnie Dundee
Log Coy- Muckin 'o' Geordie's Byre
Tech Spt Coy- Blue Bells Of Scotland
BHQ- Hills Of Caithness
