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The Path to My Future Career in Nursing *****Christine A. Sutton ***** Web Project

Come Follow my Journey with me:

I hope that you will enjoy my web project. I have learned lots just by my making it. Finding the information for it was fun. First, you will see my links. They are in order of my journey through the education process. I hope they will be useful to you as they are to me. I have worked in a hospital for nearly thirteen years. I have always wanted to be a nurse, but raising four sons, and caring for a sick husband I just didn't know how this could come about. A year ago, I had a battle with cancer. I had chemo, radiation, etc. The works!! I had time to take a look at my life. Did I want to be a secretary forever. The answer was no!!! So, I decided that I would wait a few months till I got stronger, and I would start to persue my career. I already knew about the descriptions of nursing, knew the money was good. I also knew its a lot of hard work. Nursing is not an easy job. By looking at my first two links you can find data on nursing. There are several nursing organizations. They will also give you more information about nursing. I want to do critical care nursing. Ther eis an organization for that also. Nursing has several different ways to get your Registered Nurse degree. If I wasn't 45, maybe I would go to University of Florida for a four year degree. I decided that Santa Fe Community College is my choice. There are also three year degree programs around the United States that people can go to also. I don't plan on leaving Gainesville when I am finished with my schooling. There are several hospitals in Gainesville, Florida. I have listed links to North Florida Regional Medical Center, this is my first choice. I have listed the State of Florida homepage. Ther are many different nursing jobs through the state of Florida. Also, the University of Florida. Gainesville has a lot of places that nurses can work. So this is another good reason for my career here. My last links are some resource material that you can read about different kinds of nursing. They should be quited interesting. I am hoping to get into the nursing program at Santa Fe Community College in the Fall of 2005. There is hope after raising a family, caring for a sick spouse and having a battle of cancer. Don't give up on the career you want!!!!

My links will take you through the steps of my career

1. US Department of Labor
2. Descriptions of Nursing Careers
3. Nursing World: Nursing Facts
4. American Academy of Nursing
5. Florida Nurse Association
6. Santa Fe Community College
7. Santa Fe Comminity College Nursing Progrom
8. University of Florida Homepage
9. University Of Florida Nursing Homepage
10. North Florida Regional Medical Center
11. State of Florida Homepage
12. State of Florida Jobs
13. Shands at University of Florida
14. Job Listing's at the various Shands Locations
15. Book: Careers in Nursing
16. Book: New Careers in Nursing
17. Book: Search Nursing Careers
