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Tips When Doing The Drug Round

If the drug prescribed on the drugs card is illegible don’t assume and guess what it might be always check it first with the doctor before administering, remember IF IN DOUBT LEAVE IT OUT until you have confirmation.

Always check the drug is the correct drug, the dosage, drug expiry date and route of administration before giving it to the patient.

Check that the patient is who the drug is prescribed for by checking the details on his wristband and confirming name and date of birth with the patient to ensure you have the right patient (remember, that some patients have the same or similar names). This would be a good time to check whether the patients have any allergies – which sometimes get left off drug cards!

Don’t just hand the drugs out take time (whenever possible) to explain to the patient what they are for, how they should be taken, how the drug may affect them e.t.c. and give the patient an opportunity to ask questions. If you are not sure what the drug is for or how it works e.t.c. have a look in the BNF or similar book as you are bound to find what you want to know in here.

If you are giving out pain killers ask the patient how much pain he is in, and whether he feels the pain killers prescribed for him are helping to control his pain.

If a tablet falls onto the floor, never pick it up and give it to the patient to take (I have seen qualified nurses doing this), throw it away and get him a fresh one.

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