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Night Shift T-shirts

Hey, i should have this site up and running soon, until then...See you night Shifters! This is just temporary, soon...I'll have the images as thumbnails.Thus, they won't be such big and ugly eyesores. These were designed by SpaceCowboy1337 with assitance on finding the correct type fonts by Tbtspaniard. These T-shirts were conceived by Twm333. This site was made by SpaceCowboy1337. These are the Front-sides. And these are the backs. Image one has a tendency not to show up, so just in case you were wondering, it's the same as all the backs, just with white type. Here is a picture of the shirts and how they would appear if i used the official NS logo. EAT THAT PRAVDA!

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A great site to visit for GameInfo
stick figures dieing in funny ways.
see the shirts if they were white!