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Ducka, Ducka, Ducka.

||| Who Are We? ||| Q&A ||| Submit A Question ||| Links We Like |||
Q: What is this site about?

A: We are a group of young women who provide our insight to questions you may have about a sticky situation, a recurring thought, existencialism, or anything else you may ponder about - from the silly to the serious, foot odor to friendship turmoil. We do it because we care and because it provides many sides to a situation. Not just a "Dr. Laura" or "Dear Abby." We answer based on our personal experience, and if the problem is uber-serious, we suggest seeking professional counseling. If you need any #s - please email.

Questions regarding:

Sex, Dating and relationships

Do you have a question? If so, send it to us at: or Click here to submit a question